Whose Son is Messiah ben Joseph?

Messiah ben son of Joseph - Mitchell

Whose son is Messiah ben Joseph? If you’ve read my earlier posts, you’ll know that Messiah ben Joseph is the slain messiah of the rabbis. But where does he come from? Or, to put it another way, whose son is Messiah ben Joseph?

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Messiah ben Joseph: A Sacrifice of Atonement for Israel

Messiah ben son of Joseph - Mitchell

Does Messiah ben Joseph die as a sacrifice of atonement? Scholars say no. But I believe that is a misconception which we should challenge.

I have recently addressed common misunderstandings about Messiah ben Ephraim ben Joseph, the eschatological Ephraimite king who is slain before the coming of Messiah ben David.[1] In particular, I have proposed, contrary to current opinion, that his essential characteristics derive from Deut. 33:17 and so predate the turn of the era.[2]

I would now like to challenge another popular misconception: that is, the widespread claim that Messiah ben Joseph’s death has no atoning power.

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