The Coming Judgement of Fire

Coming Judgement of Fire


COMING JUDGEMENT of fire! What do you mean, coming judgement of fire?

I sit here looking out my window onto my garden in a quiet suburb, or “commune”, in the greater Brussels area. The spring sunshine ripples on the new leaves of beeches and large, quiet, sycamores. Red squirrels run eagerly among the branches. Nearby, a blackbird sings. Further off, a woodpecker drums on his tree. I wonder at the excellent beauty of the created world.

But, as I write, the President of Russia daily threatens Europe with nuclear destruction. If such an attack were launched then Brussels, the headquarters of the EU and NATO, would be among his first targets. The place of impact, perhaps the EU Quartier at Place Schumann, or the NATO HQ in Evere, would be engulfed in a flaming holocaust of millions of degrees centigrade. The rest of the city, and its surrounding communes, would be slightly cooler, perhaps hundreds of thousands of degrees.

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