Here below are some scholarly articles and papers I’ve written over the years. Some are pre-publication and some are final versions.
Much of this material appears in maturer form in my books.
You’ll find other articles and reviews on my academia.edu page.
‘Psalm 110, Jesus, and Melchizedek‘ in D.M. Howard, Jr, and A. Schmutzer (eds.), Reading the Psalms Theologically (Bellingham WA: Lexham Press, 2021).
‘The Jerusalem Temple Song in the Cantillation of Psalm 136’ (6,200 words). The Oxford Research Centre for the Humanities, Pusey House, Oxford, Feb. 2017.
‘The Origins of the Masoretic Cantillation’ (4,600 words). Society of Old Testament Studies Centenary Conference, Nottingham, 4 January 2017.
‘Messiah’ (1,000 words). Society of Old Testament Studies Wiki, Dec. 2016.
‘Prolegomena to the Masoretic te’amim’ (8,600 words). International Conference for Near Eastern Archaeomusicology, Senate House, London, Dec. 2015.
‘Authenticity, Pragmatism, and the Road Less Travelled in Historically-Informed Performance of Bach’s Matthäuspassion.’ (5,000 words). Written for the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music.
‘How Can We Sing the Lord’s Song?’ (4,000 words) in S. Gillingham (ed.), Conflict and Convergence: Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms (Oxford University Press, 2013). Based on my talk at the 2010 SOTS Conference in Worcester College, Oxford.
‘Resinging the Temple Psalmody’ (7,500 words). Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 36.3 (2012) pp. 355-78.
‘Messiah ben Joseph in the Book of Psalms’ (10,000 words). The text of a seminar for the Intercollegiate Senior Seminar in Old Testament and Hebrew Studies, Oxford University, 22 February 2010.
‘A Dying and Rising Josephite Messiah in 4Q372’ (10,000 words). Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 18.3 (2009) pp. 181-205.
‘Messiah ben Joseph: A Sacrifice of Atonement for Israel’ (8,300 words). Review of Rabbinic Judaism 10.1 (2007) pp. 77-94.

If you enjoy these scholarly articles on messianism, then you might like to read Messiah ben Joseph.
‘Lord, Remember David: G.H. Wilson and The Message of the Psalter’ (10,500 words). Vetus Testamentum 56 (2006) pp. 526-48.
‘Messiah bar Ephraim in the Targums’ (9,100 words). Aramaic Studies 4.2 (2006) pp. 221-41.
‘Firstborn Shor and Rem: A Sacrificial Josephite Messiah in 1 Enoch 90.37-38 & Deuteronomy 33.17’ (7,950 words). Journal for the Study of the Pseudepigrapha 15.3 (2006) pp. 211-28.
‘“God Will Redeem My Soul from Sheol”: The Psalms of the Sons of Korah’ (9,220 words). Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 30.3 (2006) pp. 365-84.
‘The Fourth Deliverer: A Josephite Messiah in 4Q175’ (5,000 words). Biblica 86.4 (2005) pp. 545-553.
‘Rabbi Dosa and the Rabbis Differ: Messiah ben Joseph in the Babylonian Talmud’ (6,150 words). Review of Rabbinic Judaism 8 (2005) pp. 77-90.
‘Les psaumes dans le judaïsme rabbinique’ (10,400 words). A seminar given at l’Université Catholique de Louvain. Published in Revue Théologique de Louvain 36.2 (2005) pp. 166-191.