Johannes Passion Timetable

This is the online rehearsal timetable for Holy Trinity’s Johannes Passion (Saint John Passion). All rehearsals take place in Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral, Rue Capitaine Crespel 29, 1050 Brussels. Dress code for soli and orchestra is black.


Performance is at A 415 pitch. Players should have Baroque instruments and bows.

Rehearsal and performance take place on two days: Tuesday 7 April and Good Friday 10 April 2018. Everything has been done to make the rehearsal as concise as possible. Please note when you are required, know your part, and be ready to play on time.

Tuesday, 7 April

  • Strings (17H-17H30). Sop, Alt, Bass arias (17H30-18H45)
  • Tutti (19H-21H)

Good Friday, 10 April

  • Recitatives (16H00-17H15)
  • Tenor arias (17H15-17H45)
  • Tutti (17H45-18H15)
  • Claviers tune (18H15-18H45)
  • General tune (18H45)
  • Passion (19H)

The Recitative Rehearsal requires only Evangelist, Christus, Pilate, organ and cello. Soli, please note that they are required on Tuesday evening, as well as afternoon.

Attendance. Music demands discipline. Lateness or absence from rehearsals will result in deduction of the fee at the rate of 10% per hour or part thereof, pro rata.

Use of church rooms. When not playing, you may use other rooms in church to practice. Please eat and drink in the side rooms, not in the church itself. Please do not smoke in the church or its grounds.

Orchestral parts. Study your part before you come. (Parts can be found at Our Bärenreiter parts will be provided at the first rehearsal. After rehearsal, please ask before you borrow our parts. After the performance, leave your music on the stand. We reserve the right to deduct the cost of parts which are lost, damaged, or not returned.

Dress code. The dress code for the Passion is black for all players and soli. Men wear a black shirt and trousers (not evening dress/black tie). Ladies, a black dress to the knee or below.

Recording and photography. Students from the IAD may record the Passion for Holy Trinity. If your guests wish to record, we permit discrete recording as long as: (1) it is for your private use; and (2) the recording equipment is strictly not visible to anyone. Photography is not permitted during the performance.

Detailed rehearsal times follow.


Evangelist – Jose Pizarro Alonso
Jesus – Ian White (11 sections)
Pilate – Lodewijk Regout (11 sections)
Servant (#10, 12c) –
Petrus (#10, 12c) –
Maid (#10) –

2a. Evangelist, Jesus: Jesus ging mit seinen Jüngern über den Bach Kidron
2c. Evangelist, Jesus: Jesus spricht zu ihnen
2e. Evangelist, Jesus: Jesus antwortete: Ich hab’s euch gesagt, daß ich’s sei
4a. Evangelist, Jesus: Auf daß das Wort erfüllet würde
6. Evangelist: Die Schar aber und der Oberhauptmann
8. Evangelist: Simon Petrus aber folgete Jesu nach
10. Evangelist, Maid, Peter, Jesus, Servant: Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt
12a. Evangelist: Und Hannas sandte ihn gebunden zu dem Hohenpriester Kaiphas
12c. Evangelist, Peter, Servant: Er leugnete aber
16a. Evangelist, Pilate: Da führeten sie Jesum von Kaiphas vor das Richthaus
16c. Evangelist, Pilate: Da sprach Pilatus zu ihnen
16e. Evangelist, Pilate, Jesus: Auf daß erfüllet würde das Wort Jesu
18a. Evangelist, Pilate, Jesus: Da sprach Pilatus zu ihm
18c.* Evangelist, Pilate, Jesus: Barrabas aber war ein Mörder.
21a. Evangelist: Und die Kriegsknechte flochten eine Krone von Dornen
21c. Evangelist, Pilate: Und gaben ihm Backenstreiche.
21e. Evangelist, Pilate: Pilatus sprach zu ihnen
21g. Evangelist, Pilate, Jesus: Da Pilatus das Wort hörete
23a. Evangelist: Die Jüden aber schrieen
23c. Evangelist, Pilate: Da Pilatus da Wort hörete, führete er Jesum heraus
23e. Evangelist, Pilate: Spricht Pilatus zu ihnen
23g. Evangelist: Da überantwortete er ihn daß er gekreuziget würde.
25a. Evangelist: Allda kreuzigten sie ihn
25c. Evangelist, Pilate: Pilatus antwortet
27a. Evangelist: Die Kriegsknechte aber, da sie Jesum gekreuziget hatten
27c. Evangelist, Jesus: Auf daß erfüllet würde die Schrift
29. Evangelist, Jesus: Und von Stund an nahm sie der Jünger zu sich.
31. Evangelist: Und neiget das Haupt und verschied.
33.* Evangelist: Und siehe da, der Vorhang im Tempel zeriß in zwei Stück
36. Evangelist: Die Jüden aber, dieweil es der Rüsttag war
38. Evangelist: Darnach bat Pilatum Joseph von Arimathia

Find out more about the Saint John Passion or about Holy Trinity’s annual Good Friday Bach Passion.