Can anyone really be happy for ever?
Or is that just a dumb fairytale?
Maybe you live in constant fear.
You worry something terrible will happen.
You feel trapped in a downward spiral of despair.
You’ve lost control.
Maybe death seems the only way out.
But there is hope. Even for you.
You really can be happy for ever.
This book shows the way.
21,000 words
108 pp.
5.5 x 8.5 inches
PAPERBACK (Apr 2023)
ISBN: 978-1916619012
Want to know more about the Lord’s Prayer?
• The Lord’s Prayer In Aramaic
• Praying the Lord’s Prayer
• The SATOR Square
I wrote this little book for the nurses in a hospital in Paisley, Scotland.
It’s an introduction to the Lord’s Prayer in thirty-one short chapters.
Jesus told us to say this prayer every day. If we do that, we’ll be happy for ever.
If we don’t, we’ll lose out.
Chapters include…
1. One Little Thing
2. The Land O’ the Leal
3. Happy For Ever
4. A Great Discovery
5. Pray Thus
6. Great Shape
7. There is a Father
8. You Are His Child
9. All The Father’s Children
10. Who Art In Heaven
11. The Father, The Maker
12. The Father Almighty
13. The First Petition
14. The Hallowed Name
15. The Second Petition
16. Thy Kingdom Come
…and fifteen more!
★★★★★ Great Teaching!
In this book, Mitchell has made a very convincing case for praying The Lord’s Prayer daily and for how beneficial and edifying it is for the growing Christian. The chapter-by-line breakdown of the prayer explains in detail just how much of a blessing pronouncing each and every sentence of the prayer is. Dav, Amazon.co.uk