Holy Trinity 14:00 Songs and Hymns

OFFERTORY: Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)


23 February (HC). 2nd Sunday of Lent

16 February (HC). 1st Sunday of Lent

9 February (HC). Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration
2 Kgs 2.1-12; Ps. 50.1-6; 2 Cor. 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9

  • ENTRY: Praise God in his temple (S 3).
  • PRAISE: Children of God; Il est le même; Everybody praise the Lord now
  • WORSHIP: I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
  • PEACE: To God be the glory/A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
  • OFFERTORY: Amazing grace (S 79).
    • COMMUNION: God, be gracious unto us (S 49).
  • FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

2 February (HC) Candlemas. 

  • ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43).
  • PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Jesu ni wangu / Jesu est mon ami
  • WORSHIP: Lumière du monde (S 62)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: You were the Word at the beginning / Tu étais là de la création (S 71)
  • OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy (bilingue; S 73).
  • SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
  • FINAL: Que puis-je rendre? (S 2)


26 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC)

19 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23

  • ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 1). TWO VERSIONS
  • PRAISE: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi
  • WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
  • PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
  • OFFERTORY: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
  • COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table (bilingue S 70).
  • FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)

12 January. 2nd after Epiphany (HC).

  • ENTRY: The gospel train is coming (S 54) TWO VERSIONS
  • PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu
  • WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
  • GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68). TWO VERSIONS
  • PEACE: Come, bless the Lord (S 48).
  • OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
  • COMMUNION: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11).
  • FINAL: Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)

5 January WEEK 1. Epiphany (SW)


29 December. Christmas 1 (HC)

  • PROCESSIONAL: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11).
  • PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; God of mighty power; On the holy mountains (v. 1).
  • WORSHIP: We believe this is Jesus (S 60)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Mary’s Boy Child (S 61)
  • PEACE: He came down that we may have love
  • OFFERTORY: Amazing grace (S 79).
    • COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77).
  • CLOSING HYMN: Children, go, I will send you (S 39)

25 December. Christmas Day (HC)

  • Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • Entre le boeuf et l’âne gris (S 75)
    • Communion: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69).
  • Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)

22 December. Advent 4 (HC) Mary

  • PROCESSIONAL: Rise up, shepherd, and follow (S 34)
  • PRAISE: Hosanna in the highest; Angels are singing “You are worthy”; Immortal God
  • WORSHIP: Lord our Lord how excellent (S 30).
  • GOSPEL MELODY: You Invaded Our Space (S 54).
  • PEACE: Mary had a baby (S 13)
  • OFFERTORY: The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
    • COMMUNION: Infant holy, infant lowly (S 80).
  • CLOSING HYMN: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)

15 December. Advent 3 (HC) John Baptist

Festival of Carols. No 14:00 service.

8 December. Advent 2 (HC) The Prophets

1 December. Advent 1


24 November. Christ the King

17 November. Remembrance Sunday

10 November. Remembrance Sunday

3 November. All Saints Sunday


  • Lord’s my shep

27 October. Trinity 22 (Proper 26).

20 October. Trinity 21 (Proper 25). Whoever wants to be great…
Job 38.1-7[34-41]; Ps. 104.1-10,26,35c*; Heb. 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45

13 October. Trinity 20 (Proper 24)

6 October. Trinity 19. (Proper 23) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.


29 September. Trinity 18. (Proper 22) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.

22 September. Trinity 17. (Proper 21) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.

15 September. Trinity 16. (Proper 20) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.

8 September. Trinity 15 (Proper 19) DCM Invalided. Recorded set from 18/8.

1 September. Trinity 14 (Proper 18) DCM Invalided. Recorded set from 11/8.
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35

  • ENTRY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
  • PRAISE: Je chanterai; Plus haut; We conquer Satan; Jesu ni wangu/Jesus est mon ami
  • WORSHIP: You are my strength/Tu es ma force (S 4)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
  • OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy mountains (S 73).
  • SONG: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)


25 August. Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
1 Kings 8.22-30,41-43; Psalm 84; Ephesians 6.10-20; John 6.56-69

18 August. Trinity 12 (Proper 16) Whoever eats this bread will live for ever [Recorded]
1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5.15-20; John 6.51-58

11 August. Trinity 11 (Proper 15). Baptism. Here is the bread that comes down from heaven [Recorded]
2 Samuel 18.5-9,15,31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35,41-51

4 August. Trinity 10 (Proper 14) I am the bread of life
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35


28 July. Trinity 9 (Proper 13) Jesus feeds the 5,000
2 Samuel 11.1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3.14-21; John 6.1-21

21 July. Trinity 8 (Proper 12) Jesus feeds the 5,000 [Recorded]
2 Samuel 7.1-14a; Psalm 89.20-37; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34,53-56

14 July. Trinity 7 (Proper 11) John Baptist beheaded
2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; Mark 6.14-29

7 July. Trinity 6 (Proper 10) A prophet is not without honour
2 Sam. 5.1-5,9-10; Ps. 48; 2 Cor. 12.2-10; Mark 6.1-13 


30 June. Trinity 5 (Proper 9) The dead raised and the sick healed
2 Samuel 1.1,17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8.7-15; Mark 5.21-43

23 June. Trinity 4 (Proper 9) Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead
2 Sam. 1.1,17-27; Ps. 130; 2 Cor. 8.7-15; Mark 5.21-43

16 June. Trinity 3. Parables of seeds
1 Sam. 15.34 – 16.13; Ps. 20; 2 Cor. 5.6-10; [11-13]14-17; Mark 4.26-34

9 June. Trinity 2

2 June. Trinity 1


26 May. Trinity Sunday [Recorded. Wavreumont weekend]

  • ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
  • PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
  • WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
  • OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
    • COMMUNION: Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
  • FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

19 May. Pentecost

  • ENTRY: Descends la valléé / Down the valley (S 29)
  • PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God.
  • WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Que toute la terre proclame ton nom (S 78)
  • PEACE: Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58)
  • OFFERTORY: Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
    • COMMUNION: I am the vine (S 80)
  • FINAL: Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)

12 May. Easter 7. Sunday after Ascension. Belgian Mothers’ Day (HC)

5 May. Easter 6.

  • ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (43)
  • PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom
  • WORSHIP: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
  • OFFERTORY: I’m goin’ a sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
  • SONG: Amazing Grace (S 79)
  • FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)


28 April (HC). Easter 5. Peace & Conflict Reconciliation awards

21 April (HC). Easter 4. Good Shepherd Sunday

  • ENTRY: Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
  • PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom.
  • WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (v.1 FR; v.2 FR) (S 4)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
  • PEACE: I’ve got peace like a river (S 15)
  • OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
    • Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)

14 April (HC). Easter 3.

7 April (SW). Easter 2. Doubting Thomas


31 March (HC). Easter Sunday

24 March (HC). Palm Sunday

17 March (HC). Passion Sunday / St Patrick’s Day

10 March (HC) Laetare / Mothering Sunday

3 March (SW). 3rd Sunday of Lent: Jesus cleanses the temple [Recorded]
Exod. 20.1-17; Ps. 19; 1 Cor. 1.18-25; John 2.13-22


25 February (HC). 2nd Sunday of Lent

18 February (HC). 1st Sunday of Lent

11 February (HC). Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration
2 Kgs 2.1-12; Ps. 50.1-6; 2 Cor. 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9

  • ENTRY: Praise God in his temple (S 3)
  • PRAISE: Children of God; Il est le même; Jésus ne change pas; Everybody praise the Lord now
  • WORSHIP: I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
  • PEACE: A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
  • OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
    • COMMUNION: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
  • FINAL: Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)

4 February (HC) Second Sunday before Lent. In the beginning was the Word
Prov. 8.1,22-31; Ps. 104.26-37; Col. 1.15-20; John 1.1-14

  • ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
  • PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Jesu ni wangu / Jesu est mon ami
  • WORSHIP: Lumière du monde (S 62)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: You were the Word at the beginning / Tu étais là de la création (S 71)
  • OFFERTORY: Chakutumaini Sina (S 37)
  • SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
  • FINAL: Que puis-je rendre? (S 2)


28 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC) [Recorded; DCM in Scotland]

21 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23

14 January. 2nd after Epiphany (HC). Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael
1 Sam. 3.1-10[11-20]; Psalm 139.1-5,12-18; Rev. 5.1-10; John 1.43-51

  • ENTRY: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
  • PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu.
  • WORSHIP: Tout, honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
  • PEACE: Come, bless the Lord (S 48)
  • OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • COMMUNION: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11)
  • FINAL: Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)

7 January 2024. 1st after Epiphany (SW)


31 December. New Year’s Eve (HC)

  • PROCESSIONAL: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
  • PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; God of mighty power.
  • WORSHIP: We believe this is Jesus (S 60)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Mary’s Boy Child (S 61)
  • PEACE: He came down that we may have love
  • OFFERTORY: Guide moi-Berger fidèle (S 65)
    • COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77)
  • CLOSING HYMN: Children, go, I will send you (S 39)

25 December. Christmas Day (HC)

  • Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • Entre le boeuf et l’âne gris (S 75)
  • Communion: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)
  • Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)

24 December. Advent 4 (HC) Mary

  • PROCESSIONAL: Rise up, shepherd, and follow (S 34)
  • PRAISE: Hosanna in the highest; Angels are singing “You are worthy”; Immortal God.
  • WORSHIP: Amen!—See the baby (S 75)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Douce nuit (S 79)
  • PEACE: Mary had a baby (S 13)
  • OFFERTORY: The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
    • COMMUNION: Lord our Lord how excellent (S 30)
  • CLOSING HYMN: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)

17 December. Advent 3 (HC) John Baptist

Festival of Carols. No 14:00 service.

10 December. Advent 2 (HC) The Prophets

3 December. Advent Sunday (SW)


26 November. Christ the King Sunday (HC)

19 November. Safeguarding Sunday (HC)

  • PROCESSIONAL: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19)
  • PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Come, bless the Lord. WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
  • PEACE: Hold somebody; I love you with the love of the Lord (34)
  • OFFERTORY: Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) (S 73)
    • COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
  • CLOSING HYMN: J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) (S 19)

12 November. Remembrance Sunday (HC)

5 November. All Saints (SW)


29 October. Last Sunday of Trinity (HC)

22 October. Trinity 20 (HC)

15 October. Trinity 19 (HC)

8 October. Trinity 18 (HC)

1 October. Harvest Thanksgiving (SW).


24 September. 16th after Trinity (HC). The labourers in the vineyard.
Exodus 16.2-15; Ps. 105.1-6,37-45; Phil. 1.21-30; Matt. 20.1-16.

17 September. 15th after Trinity (HC). The unmerciful servant.
Exod. 14.19-31; Ps. 114; Rom. 14.1-12; Matt. 18.21-35.

  • Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
  • The gospel train is coming (S 54)
    • Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
  • Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)

Viens, ne tarde plus, adore (S 72)

10 September. 14th after Trinity (HC). Whatever you bind on earth.
Exod. 12.1-14; Ps. 149; Rom. 13.8-14; Matt. 18.15-20.

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
  • PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Come, bless the Lord (S 48); Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
  • En Christ seul est mon espérance [My hope is built on nothing less] (S 73)
    • Communion: For the music director on a harp of ten strings (S 66)
  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

3 September. 13th after Trinity (SW). The cost of discipleship.
Exodus 3.1-15; Ps. 105.1-6,23-26,45b*; Rom. 12.9-21; Matt. 16.21-28 


27 August. 12th after Trinity (HC). You are the Messiah, Son of the living God
Isaiah 51.1–6 or Romans 12.1-8; Matt. 16.13-20

20 August. 11th after Trinity (HC). The Canaanite woman
Isaiah 56.1,6–8; Rom. 11.1-2a, 29-32; Matt. 15.[10-20]21-28

13 August. 10th after Trinity (HC). Jesus Walks on the Water
1 Kgs 19.9-18; Rom. 10.5-15; Matt. 14.22-33

6 August. 9th after Trinity (SW). The Transfiguration
Luke 9.28-36; Daniel 7.9,10,13,14; 2 Peter 1.16-19


30 July. 8th after Trinity (HC). More Parables
Gen. 29.15-28; Ps. 105.1-11,45b; 128; Rom. 8.26-39; Matt. 13.31-33,44-52

  • Marching to Zion (S 43)
  • PRAISE: God of mighty power; Jesus we hail you (Once I was lost); There’s no-one, no-one like Jesus; I was glad. WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
  • When I was lost (S 68)
    • Communion: Let all mortal flesh (S 77)
  • A Dieu soit la gloire (S 78)

23 July. 7th after Trinity (HC) The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Gen. 28.10-19a; Ps. 139.1-11,23,24; Rom. 8.12-25; Matt. 13.24-30,36-43

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 50)
  • Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
  • Tu es l’amour de ma vie  (S 28)
    • King of everlasting right (S 69)
    • Welcome: Give thanks with a grateful heart (S 29)
  • Quand la Bible ici-bas (S 66)

16 July. 6th after Trinity (HC) The Parable of the Sower
Gen. 25.19-34; Ps. 119.105-112; Rom. 8.1-11; Matt. 13.1-9,18-23

9 July. 5th after Trinity (HC) Come to me, all you who are weary
Gen. 24.34-38,42-49, 58-67; Ps. 45.10-17; Rom. 7.15-25a; Matt. 11.16-19,25-30

  • Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
  • Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Come, bless the Lord; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
  • Goin’ to lay down my burden (S 17)
    • I come to the garden (S 33)
  • J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) (S 19)

2 July 4th after Trinity (SW) The Great Commission
Isa. 40.12-17,27-31; Ps. 8; 2 Cor. 13.11-13; Matt. 28.16-20

  • Praise God in his temple / Louez Dieu dans son temple (S 3)
  • PRAISE: We conquer Satan; There’s no-one like Jesus; Plus haut, plus haut; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; Children of God. WORSHIP: Que puis-je rendre? 
  • Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
  • Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
  • Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)                   


25 June. 3rd after Trinity (HC). He who loses his life for my sake will find it
Gen. 21.8-21; Ps. 86.1-10,16-17; Rom. 6.1b-11; Matt. 10.24-39

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
  • Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus.
  • Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
    • Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • I have decided to follow Jesus/ Oui, j’ai choisis de suivre Jésus (8)

18 June. 2nd after Trinity (HC) The Twelve Disciples [Recorded]
Gen. 18.1-15 [21.1-7]; Ps. 116.1,10-17; Romans 5.1-8; Matt. 9.35 – 10.8 [9-23]

  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
  • PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
  • Standing in the need of prayer (S 9)
    • Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

11 June. 1st after Trinity (HC) Doctor Jesus
Gen. 12.1-9; Ps. 33.1-12; Rom. 4.13-25; Matt. 9.9-13,18-26

4 June Trinity Sunday (SW). The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Isa. 40.12-17,27-31; Ps. 8; 2 Cor. 13.11-13; Matt. 28.16-20

  • Let your living water/Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
  • PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
  • Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
  • God, we praise you; God, we bless you (S 11)
  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)


28 May. Pentecost (HC).

  • Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
  • PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (Bilingue. S 77)
    • Communion: Holy Spirit, living breath of God (A&M 249)
  • Que toute la terre proclame ton nom (S 78)

21 May. Easter 7 (HC).
Acts 1.6-14; Ps. 68.1-10,32-35; 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11; John 17.1-11

14 May. Easter 6 (HC) Belgian Mothers’ Day
Acts 17.22-31; Ps. 66.7-18; 1 Peter 3.13-22; John 14.15-21.

7 May. Easter 5 (HC) [Recorded]
Acts 7.55-60; Ps. 31; 1 Peter 2.2-10; John 14.1-14


30 April. Easter 4 (HC). Good Shepherd Sunday [Recorded]
Acts 9.36-43; Ps. 23; Rev. 7.9-17; John 10.22-30

23 April. Easter 3 (HC). The Emmaus Road [Recorded]
Acts 2.14a,36-41; Psalm 116.1-3,10-17; 1 Peter 1.17-23; Luke 24.13-35

16 April. Easter 2 (HC). Doubting Thomas

9 April. Easter Sunday (HC).

2 April. Palm Sunday (SW).
Matt. 21.1-11; Ps. 118.1-2,19-29.


26 March. Passion Sunday (HC). The resurrection of Lazarus
Ezek. 37.1-14; Ps. 130; Rom. 8.6-11; John 11.1-45.

19 March. Laetare Sunday (HC). The man born blind
1 Sam. 16.1-13; Ps. 23; Eph. 5.8-14; John 9.1-41

12 March. Lent 3 (HC). The Samaritan woman at the well
Exodus 17.1-7; Ps. 95; Rom. 5.1-11; John 4.5-42.

5 March. Lent 2 (SW).


26 February. Lent 1 (HC). Jesus tempted in the wilderness.

19 February. 1st before Lent (HC). The Transfiguration
Exod. 24.12-18; Ps. 2 or 99; 2 Pet. 1.16-21; Matt. 17.1-9. 

12 February. 2nd before Lent (HC). Seek ye first the Kingdom
Gen. 1.1-2.3; Ps. 136; Rom. 8.18-25; Matt. 6.25-34.

5 February. 3rd before Lent. Salt & Light (SW)
Isaiah 58.1-9a[b-12]; 1 Cor. 2.1-12[13-16]; Matt. 5.13-20.


29 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC) [Recorded]
Mal. 3.1-5; Heb. 2.14-18; Luke 2.22-40

22 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23

15 January. Epiphany 2 (HC) [Recorded]

8 January. Epiphany 1 (HC) [Recorded]

1 January. New Year’s Day [Recorded]


25 December. Christmas Day (HC).

  • O peuple fidèle (S 71)
  • Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
  • Communion: Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)

18 December. Advent 4. Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols.

Nine Lessons and Carols. No 14H service.

11 December. Advent 3 (HC). The greatness of John Baptist (Matthew 11.2-11).

4 December. Advent 2 (SW). John baptizes many (Matthew 3.1-12)


27 November. Advent Sunday (HC). The Day & Hour Unknown (Matthew 24.36-44)
Isa. 2.1-5; Ps. 122; Rom. 13.11-14; Matt. 24.36-44

20 November. Christ the King (HC).
Jer. 23.1-6; Ps. 46; Col. 1.11-20; Luke 23.33-43

13 November. Remembrance Sunday (HC).
Mal. 4.1-2a; Ps. 98; 2 Thess. 3.6-13; Luke 21.5-19

6 November. Jesus Teaching on the Resurrection (HC). [Recorded]
Job 19.23-27a; Ps. 17.1-9*; 2 Thess. 2.1-5,13-17; Luke 20.27-38


30 October. All Saints Sunday (HC). Blessed are you. [Recorded]
Daniel 7.1-3,15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1.11-23; Luke 6.20-31.

23 October. Proper 25 (HC). The Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Joel 2.23-32; Psalm 65*; 2 Timothy 4.6-8,16-18; Luke 18.9-14.

16 October. Proper 24 (HC). The persistent widow.
Jeremiah 31.27-34; Psalm 119.97-104; 2 Timothy 3.14 – 4.5; Luke 18.1-8.

9 October. Proper 23 (HC). The thankful leper.
Jeremiah 29.1,4-7; Psalm 66.1-11; 2 Timothy 2.8-15; Luke 17.11-19.

2 October. 16th after Trinity (SW). Harvest thanksgiving.
Deut. 26.1-11; Phil. 4.4-9; Rev. 14.14-18; John 6.25-35


25 September. 15th after Trinity (HC). Lazarus and the rich man.
Jer. 32.1-3a,6-15; Ps. 91.1-6,14-16; 1 Tim. 6.6-19; Luke 16.19-31.

18 September. 14th after Trinity (HC: Recorded). You can’t serve God and Mammon.
Jer. 8.18-9.1; Ps. 79.1-9; 1 Tim. 2.1-7; Luke 16.1-13.

11 September. 13th after Trinity (HC). Seeking and saving the lost.
Jer. 4.11-12,22-28; Ps. 14; 1 Tim. 1.12-17; Luke 15.1-10.

4 September. 12th after Trinity (SW). The cost of discipleship.
Jer. 18.1-11; Ps. 139.1-5,12-18; Phlm. 1-21; Luke 14.25-33.


28 August. 11th after Trinity. Jesus eats with a Pharisee.
Jer. 2.4-13; Ps. 81.1,10-16; Heb. 13.1-8,15,16; Luke 14.1,7-14.

21 August. 10th after Trinity. A cripple healed.
Jer. 1.4-10; Ps. 71.1-6; Heb. 12.18-29; Luke 13.10-17.

  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
  • Praise: Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Dieu va faire encore; Praising the Lord always; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Que tes fleuves d’eaux vives coulent dans mon coeur (S 24).
  • En Jésus seul j’ai l’espérance (In Christ alone) (S 76)
  • Communion: Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
  • Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)

14 August. 9th after Trinity. Interpret the signs of the times.
Isa. 5.1-7; Ps. 80.1-2,9-20; Heb. 11.29 – 12.2; Luke 12.49-56.

7 August. 8th after Trinity (HC). Where your treasure is…
Isa. 1.1,10-20; Ps. 50.1-8, 23,24; Heb. 11.1-3,8-16; Luke 12.32-40.


31 July. 7th after Trinity (HC). The Rich Fool.
Hos. 11.1-11; Ps. 107.1-9,43; Col. 3.1-11; Luke 12.13-21.

  • For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
  • Praise:
  • Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
  • Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

24 July. 6th after Trinity (HC). Our Father.
Hos. 1.2-10; Ps. 85; Col. 2.6-15[16-19]; Luke 11.1-13.

  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
  • PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
  • Jesus forgives (S 4)
  • Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)

17 July. 5th after Trinity (HC). Martha and Mary (Recorded)
Amos 8.1-12; Ps. 52; Col. 1.15-28; Luke 10.38-42.

10 July. 4th after Trinity (SW). The Good Samaritan (Recorded)
Amos 7.7-17; Ps. 82; Col. 1.1-14; Luke 10.25-37.

3 July. 3rd after Trinity (HC). Jesus in Mission. (Recorded)
2 Kings 5.1-14; Ps. 30; Galatians 6.[1-6]7-16; Luke 10.1-11,16-20


26 June. 2nd after Trinity. The cost of discipleship. 2 Kgs 2.1-2,6-14; Ps. 77.1-2,11-20; Gal. 5.1,13-25; Luke 9.51-62.

19 June. 1st after Trinity. The Gadarene demoniac (Recorded) 1 Kings 19.1-4[5-7]8-15a; Psalms 42-43; Gal. 3.23-29; Luke 8.26-39.

  • Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
  • PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Cast your burdens/Plus haut, plus haut; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
  • I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
  • Communion: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
  • Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)

12 June. Trinity Sunday (SW). Prov. 8.1-4,22-31; Ps. 8; Rom. 5.1-5; John 16.12-15.

  • Let your living water/Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
  • PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
  • Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
  • God, we praise you; God, we bless you (S 11)
  • La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)

5 June. Pentecost (HC). Acts 2.1-21; John 14.8-17[25-27].

  • Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
  • PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29); You are my all in all (S 4).
  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
  • Communion: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)


29 May. Easter 7 (HC). Jesus prays for his disciples. John 17.20-26. Cantor.

22 May. Easter 6 (HC). Whoever loves me will keep my command. Acts 16.9-15; Ps. 67; Rev. 21.10,22-22.5; John 14.23-29. Cantor.

15 May. Easter 5 (HC). A new commandment. Acts 11.1-18; Ps. 148; Rev. 21.1-6; John 13.31-35.

8 May. Easter 4 (SW). Good Shepherd Sunday (HC). Acts 9.36-43
Ps. 23; Rev. 7.9-17; John 10.22-30.

1 May. Easter 3 (AAW SW). Jesus at Lake Galilee. Acts 9.1-6 [7-20], Rev. 5.11-14; John 21.1-19.


24 April. Easter 2. Doubting Thomas (HC).

17 April. Easter Sunday (HC).

10 April. Palm Sunday. (SW) Luke 13.31-35.

3 April. Passion Sunday. (HC)


27 March. Laetare Sunday. The prodigal (HC) Luke 15.1-3,11b-32

20 March. Lent 3. Barren fig tree (HC) Luke 13.1-9

13 March. Lent 2. Jesus and Herod (SW) Luke 13.31-35.

6 March. Lent 1. Jesus tested in the wilderness (HC)
Psalm 91.1-2,9-16; Romans 10.8b-13; Luke 4.1-13.


27 February. Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration (HC)
Exod. 34.29-35; Ps. 99; 2 Cor. 3.12 – 4.2; Luke 9.28-36[37-43a].

20 February. Second Sunday before Lent. Jesus calms the storm (HC)
Gen. 2.4b-9,15-25; Ps. 65; Rev. 4; Luke 8.22-25.

13 February. Blessed are you (SW)
Jer. 17.5-10; 1 Cor. 15.12-20; Luke 6.17-26.

6 February. Jesus calls his disciples (HC)
Isaiah 6.1-8[9-13]; Ps. 138; 1 Cor. 15.1-11; Luke 5.1–11.


30 January. Jesus presented in the Temple (HC)
Mal. 3.1–5; Heb. 2.14–18; Luke 2.22–40. Reduced set.

  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
  • Communion: Comme un fleuve immense (S 65) 
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

23 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus teaches at Nazareth (HC)
Neh. 8.1–3,5–6,8–10; 1 Cor. 12.12–31a; Luke 4.14–21.

16 January. Epiphany 2. The Wedding at Cana (HC)
Isa. 62.1-5; 1 Cor. 12.1-11; John 2.1-11.

9 January. Epiphany 1. Baptism of Christ (HC)

2 January. Circumcision of our Lord (HC)
John 1.[1-9]10-18; Ephesians 1.3-14.


26 December. First Sunday of Christmas. Jesus’s Bar Mitzvah (Luke 2.41-52)

25 December. Christmas Day. The birth of Jesus (Luke 2.1-14[15-20])

  • O come, all ye faithful (AM 78)
  • Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
  • Communion: Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)

19 December. Fourth Sunday of Advent. Mary and Elizabeth (Luke 1.39-55)

No service. Holy Trinity Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

12 December. Third Sunday of Advent. John Baptist preaches (Luke 3.7-18)

5 December. Second Sunday of Advent. John Baptist (Luke 3.1-6).


28 November. Advent Sunday.

21 November. Christ the King.

14 November. 2nd before Advent. Mark 13.1-8

7 November. 3rd before Advent. Calling the disciples (Mark 1.14-20).


31 October. All Saints (HC & Confirmation).
John 11.32-44.

24 October. Last Sunday after Trinity (HC).
Mark 10.46-52.

17 October. Trinity 20 (HC).
Mark 10.35-45.

10 October. Trinity 19 (SW). William Tyndale.
Job 1.1; 2.1-10; Mark 10.17-31.

3 October. Trinity 18 (HC). Harvest Thanksgiving.


26 September. Trinity 17 (HC).
Esther 7.1-6,9,10; 9.20-22; Psalm 124; James 5.13-20; Mark 9.38-50.

19 September. Trinity 16 (HC).

12 September. Trinity 15 (SW). You are the Messiah.
Psalm 19, Proverbs 1.20-33, James 3.1-12, Mark 8.27-38.

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
  • Praise: Come bless the Lord; Jésus ne change pas; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Yesu ni wangu; Eh Yahwe
  • Worthy is the Lamb (S 73)
  • I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)

5 September. Trinity 14 (HC). The Syro-Phoenician Woman.
Prov. 22.1-2,8,9,22,23; Ps. 125; James 2.1-10[11-13] 14-17; Mark 7.24-37

  • Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
  • Praise: Ceux qui se confient; The church is marching on; Once I was a sinner; Ose ose
  • God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
  • Attire-moi à toi (Draw me close to you)(S 27)
  • For the beauty of the earth (S 74)


29 August. Trinity 13 (HC). Eating with Unwashed Hands. Worship leader, Jessica
Song 2.8-13; Psalm 45.1-2,6-9; James 1.17-27; Mark 7.1-8,14,15,21-23.

  • Voici, la présence du Seigneur [Be still for the presence] (S 70)
  • Praise: I have seen, We conquer Satan, He is the mighty God; I have seen
  • When I was lost (S 68)
  • I’m a gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
  • Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)

22 August. Trinity 12 (HC). You have the Words of Eternal Life. Worship leader, Jessica
1 Kings 8.[1,6,10-11]; 22-30,41-43; Ps. 84; Eph. 6.10-20; John 6.56-69.

  • Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
  • Praise: Ceux qui se confient, Oh he never changes, Ose ose-oh Baba oluwa
  • Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
  • Communion: Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
  • La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)

15 August. Trinity 11 (HC). Who eats my flesh and rinks my blood has eternal life. Worship leader, Audrey
1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5.15-20; John 6.51-58.

  • They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
  • Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Send your fire; I will praise him
  • Jesus forgives (S 4)
  • Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • Jésus revient, alléluia (S 60)

8 August. Trinity 10 (SW). I Am the Living Bread. Worship leader, Audrey
2 Samuel 18.5-9,15,31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35,41-51.

  • Praise God in his temple (S 3)
  • Praise: I have seen, We conquer Satan, He is the mighty God; I have seen
  • Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
  • Let us break bread together (S 17)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

1 August. Trinity 9 (HC). Jesus the Bread of Life. Worship leader, Audrey
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35.

  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
  • Praise set
  • I am the bread of life (S 39)
  • Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)


25 July. Trinity 8 (HC). Jesus Feeds the 5,000. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 11.1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3.14-21; John 6.1-21.

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 52)
  • Praise set
    • I was glad when they said unto me
    • Je chanterai de tou coeur
    • Hakuna mungu kama wewe
    • Yesu ni wangu
    • Eh Yahwe
  • Tu es l’amour de ma vie (S 28)
  • Communion: Cherchez d’abord le royaume de Dieu (S 31)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

18 July. Trinity 7 (HC). Jesus Heals the sick. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 7.1-14a; Psalm 89.20-37; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34,53-56.

  • Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • P&W: Joy, O joy; Glory be to God in the highest; What a mighty God; Praising the Lord always; My God is good
  • Hold to God’s unchanging hand (S 25)
  • Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)

11 July. Trinity 6 (SW). John Baptist Beheaded. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; Mark 6.14-29.

  • Lord, who may stay in your tent? (S 19)
  • Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
  • The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

4 July. Trinity 5 (HC). A prophet without honour (Mark 6.1-13). Worship leader, Jessica

  • For the beauty of the earth
  • Jusq’au bout / I can hear my Saviour calling (S 33)
  • Communion: Soit calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
  • Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)


27 June. Trinity 4 (HC). Jairus’ daughter and the woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5.21-43). Worship leader, Audrey

  • Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
  • The gospel train is coming (S 54)
  • Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire (S 32)
  • A toi la gloire (S 11)

20 June. Trinity 3 (HC). Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4.35-41). Worship leader, Jessica

  • En Christ seul est mon espérance (S 73)
  • When peace like a river (S 31)
  • Communion: Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) (S 73)
  • Quand le vol de la tempête (When upon life’s billows) (S 73)

13 June. Trinity 2 (SW). Parables of seeds. Worship leader, DCM

  • Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
  • Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
  • Bringing in the sheaves (S 44)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

6 June. Trinity 1 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica (Mark 3.20-35)

  • God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
  • Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • I come to the garden alone (S 33)
  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)


30 May. Trinity Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
  • Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross)
  • Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
  • You asked me to your table, Lord (S 62)
  • Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)

23 May. Pentecost (HC). Worship leader, Audrey

  • Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
  • Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)

16 May. Easter 7 (HC). Sunday after Ascension. Jesus prays for his disciples. Worship leader, Audrey

  • Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
  • We seek your kingdom
  • God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
  • Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)

9 May. Easter 6 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
  • When I was lost (S 68)
  • Tels que je suis (S 65)
  • Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)

2 May. Easter 5 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Sur les saintes montagnes / On the holy mountains (S 73)
  • Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
  • Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)


25 April. Easter 4 (SW). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Je chanterai de tout coeur (S 64)
  • The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
  • Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)

18 April. Easter 3 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
  • My Lord, what a morning (S 67)
  • Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire
  • A toi la gloire (S 11)

11 April. Easter 2 (SW). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Jésus sort de la tombe (S 68)
  • Tout honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
  • La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)

4 April. Easter Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
  • They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
  • Communion: Jesus forgives (S 4)
  • A toi la gloire (S 11)


28 March. Palm Sunday (SW). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
  • The gospel train is coming (S 54)
  • Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)

21 March. Passion Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
  • Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • Communion: Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart (S 22)
  • Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)

14 March. Laetare Sunday (SW). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
  • There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)

7 March. Lent 3 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica

  • Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
  • Steal away (S 42)
  • Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • Now thank we all our God (739i)


28 February. Lent 2 (SW). Jesus foretells his death. Worship leader, Jessica

  • J’ai l’assurance (S 19) vv. 2-4
  • Oui j’ai choisi de suivre Jésus (S 8)
  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

21 February. Lent 1 (HC). Jesus tested in the wilderness (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • We’re going up to the high places; Whose report will you believe? (S 46)
  • Children don’t get weary (S 40); Done made my vow (S 22)
  • Let us break bread together on our knees (S 17)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)

14 February. Sunday before Lent (Word). The Transfiguration (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Chantons car Dieu est là / Sing out! The Lord is near (S 18)
  • Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
  • Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)

7 February. Second before Lent (HC). The pre-existent Jesus (John 1.1-14; Col. 1.15-20; Prov. 8.1,22-31). Worship leader, Audrey

  • Viens, c’est le moment d’adorer / Come, now is the time to worship (S 72)
  • Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
  • Communion: Cherchez d’abord (S 31)
  • A toi la gloire (S 11)


31 January. Candlemas (Word). (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Soit calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
  • Praise God in his temple (S 3)
  • J’ai l’assurance / Blessed assurance (S 19)

24 January. Epiphany 3. Holy Communion. The wedding at Cana. (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Chanson du Seigneur (14)
  • Arise, shine (S 30)
  • I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
  • Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)

17 January. Epiphany 2. Holy Communion. The first disciples (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
  • When I was lost (S 68)
  • Let us break bread together (S 17)
  • Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (S 37)

10 January. Epiphany 1. Baptism of Christ (Worship leader, Audrey)

  • God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
  • Wade in the water (S 18)
  • Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • La grâce du ciel (S 64)

3 January. Christmas 2 (Epiphany) (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Go, tell it on the mountain (S 13)
  • Twinkle, twinkle star so bright (S 69)
  • As with gladness men of old (AM 94) All verses


Christmas 1, 27 December (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
  • The virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)

Christmas Day, Friday 25 December (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
  • Joy to the world (A&M 72)
  • O peuple fidèle (S 71)

Advent 4, 20 December (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
  • Mary had a baby (S 13)
  • Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8)

Advent 3, 13 December (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • He came down
  • Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
  • Jésus revient, alleluia! (S 60)

Advent 2, 6 December (Worship leader, Jessica)

  • Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
  • When he cometh (S 45)
  • Venez-voir-oh; Come and see-oh (S 44)


Advent Sunday, 29 November.

Ezek. 34.11-16,20-24; Ps. 95.1-7; Eph. 1.15-23; Matt. 25.31-46

  • Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
  • Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
  • Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)

Christ the King, 22 November. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats.

Zeph. 1.7,12-18; Ps. 90.1-8[9-11]12*; 1 Thess. 5.1-11; Matt. 25.14-30

  • Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
  • You are the king of glory (S 32)
  • A toi la gloire (S 11)

Second Sunday before Advent, 15 November. The Parable of the Talents.

Amos 5.18-24; Ps. 70; 1 Thess. 4.13-18; Matt. 25.1-13

  • Je chanterai de tout coeur (S 64)
  • Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
  • Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)

Third Sunday before Advent, 8 November. The wise and foolish bridesmaids.

Micah 3.5-12; Psalm 43*; 1 Thess. 2.9-13; Matt. 24.1-14

  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
  • The gospel train’s a comin’ (S 54)
  • La grâce du ciel (S 64)

All Saints Sunday 1 November. Signs of the end.

Rev. 7.9-17; Ps. 34.1-10; 1 John 3.1-3; Matt. 5.1-12

  • Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
  • Que tes vives eaux (S 24)


Trinity 20 (Proper 25) 25 October. You have one teacher, the Messiah (Worship leader, Jessica)

Deuteronomy 34:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46

  • Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
  • God, we praise you (S 11)
  • Oh how he loves you and me (S 16)
  • Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)

Trinity 19 (Proper 24) 18 October. Jesus sends the seventy-two (Worship leader, Jessica)

Isa. 35.3-6; Lk 10.1-9

  • Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
  • Jesus forgives (S 4)
  • Lumière du monde (S 62)
  • Quel ami fidèle (S 63)

Trinity 18 (Proper 23) 11 October. Parable of the wedding banquet (Worship leader, Jessica)

Exodus 32:1-14; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14

  • Shout to the Lord (S 52)
  • Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
  • Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
  • Jésus revient, alleluia! (S 60)

Trinity 17 (Proper 22) 4 October. William Tyndale—Harvest Thanksgiving (Worship leader, Audrey)

Dt 28.1-14; Lk 12.16-30

  • Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
  • Lord, I hear of showers of blessing (S 17)
  • Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)


Trinity 16 (Proper 21) 27 September. Parable of the two sons (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 17:1-7; Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32.

  • Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
  • When I was lost (S 68)
  • Je t‘aime, Seigneur (S 12)
  • J’ai l’assurance (S 19)

Trinity 15 (Proper 20) 20 September. The labourers in the vineyard (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 16:2-15; Philippians 1:21-30; Matthew 20:1-16.

  • Marching to Zion (S 43)
  • Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
  • Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • La grâce du ciel (S 63)

Trinity 14 (Proper 19) 13 September. Forgiving one another (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 14:19-31; Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35.

  • Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
  • Sur les saintes montagnes (S 23)
  • What a beautiful name (S 71)
  • Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)

Trinity 13 (Proper 18) 6 September. Where two or three are gathered in my name (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 12:1-14; Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20.

  • Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
  • Sois calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
  • Lumière du monde (S 62)
  • Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (S 37)


Trinity 12 (Proper 17) 30 August. If anyone wants to be my disciple (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28.

  • Je suis une nouvelle creation                                         S 10
  • Quel Sauveur merveilleux                                             S 67
  • Communion: My soul wants something that’s new           S 7
  • A toi la gloire                                                                S 11

Trinity 11 (Proper 16) 23 August. You are the Messiah (DCM, Jessica)

Exodus 1:8-2:10; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20.

  • Praise God in his temple                                                S 3
  • Dieu tout-puissant                                                         S 63
  • Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire                                  S 32
  • I am not ashamed to own my Lord                                  S 20

Trinity 10 (Proper 15) 16 August. The Canaanite woman (DCM, Jessica Mensah)

Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28.

  • Jésus, que tu es charmant                                             S 1
  • Descends, doux char de feu                                            S 64
  • Communion: You asked me to your table, Lord               S 62
  • Jesus revient, alleluia!                                                   S 60

Trinity 9 (Proper 14) 9 August. “Lord, save me.” (DCM, Jessica Mensah)

Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33.

  • Dieu, ta fidélité                                                              S 63
  • Wade in the water                                                         S 18
  • Communion: Attire-moi à toi                                           S 27
  • When upon life’s billows                                                S 23

Trinity 8 (Proper 13) 2 August. Feeding of the 5,000 (DCM, Jessica Mensah)

Genesis 32:22-31; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21.

  • Quel ami fidèle et tendre                                               S 63
  • I am the bread of life                                                     S 39
  • Communion: Mon Jésus, je t’aime                                  S 65
  • Guide-moi, Berger fidèle                                                S 65

JULY 2020

Trinity 7. (Proper 12). 26 July (DCM)

  • Give thanks to the Lord for he is good                           S 43
  • Tu es l’amour de ma vie.                                                S 28
  • I’m a-goin’ a eat at the welcome table                             S 6
  • Tu es ma force (You are my all in all)                             S 63

Trinity 6. (Proper 11). 19 July (Jessica)

  • Dieu tout-puissant                                                         S 63
  • Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful                                  S 17 
  • Communion: Jesus, I call the name                            S 59
  • Louez Dieu car il est bon                                               S 49

Trinity 5 (Proper 10). 12 July (Jessica)

  • The Gospel Train is coming (S 54)
  • Jusq’au bout / I can hear my Saviour calling (S 33)
  • I come to the garden alone (S 33)
  • Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)

Trinity 4 (Proper 9). 5 July (Jessica)

  • Je suis une nouvelle creation                                     S 10
  • Gonna lay down my burden                                       S 17
  • Friend of sinners                                                       S 36
  • J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance)                         S 19


  • ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
  • PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good
  • WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
  • GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
  • OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
  • PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
  • COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
  • FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
  • Communion: Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
  • Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)