20 April (HC). Easter Sunday
- ENTRY: C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
- PRAISE 1: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Were you there? (S 35)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jesu? (S 57)
- OFFERTORY: They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
13 April (HC). Palm Sunday
- ENTRY: Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
- PRAISE 10: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Come, bless the Lord; I will praise him; Il est le même.
- WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)
- PEACE: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- OFFERTORY: Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel? (S 56)
- COMMUNION: Friend of sinners (S 36)
- FINAL: Mon Sauveur mourut à la croix (S 76)
6 April (HC). Passion Sunday
- ENTRY: Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- PRAISE 9: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Il est le même; Jesus we hail you; Oui j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)
- PEACE: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11)
- OFFERTORY: Amazing Grace (S 79)
- COMMUNION: There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- FINAL: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
30 March
Praise 8
23 March
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (S 29)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PEACE: Plus haut, plus haut (S 27)
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table, Seigneur/You asked me (S 38)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
16 March
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 1). TWO VERSIONS
- PRAISE 6: Je chanterai; Plus haut; We conquer Satan; Jesu ni wangu/Jesus est mon ami
- WORSHIP: As the deer pants for the water (S 37)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
- OFFERTORY: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57). MP3 & MIDI VERSIONS
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
9 March
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always.
- WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- PEACE: I’m so glad Jesus lifted me (S 16)
- OFFERTORY: Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77)
- FINAL: Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
2 March (SW). 3rd Sunday of Lent: Jesus cleanses the temple [Recorded]
Exod. 20.1-17; Ps. 19; 1 Cor. 1.18-25; John 2.13-22
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (S 29)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
23 February (HC). 2nd Sunday of Lent
- ENTRY: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon.
- WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: A Dieu soit la gloire pour son grand amour (S 78)
- PEACE: Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58)
- OFFERTORY: Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table, Seigneur/You asked me (S 38)
- FINAL: Blessed assurance/J’ai l’assurance (S 19)
16 February (HC). 1st Sunday of Lent
- ENTRY: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19).
- PRAISE: I have seen, seen; We conquer Satan; He is the mighty God; Jesus, we hail you
- WORSHIP: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- PEACE: Plus haut, plus haut (S 27)
- OFFERTORY: Jesus is the Winna Mon; Winner oh! (S 47)
- COMMUNION: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
- FINAL: Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
9 February (HC). Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration
2 Kgs 2.1-12; Ps. 50.1-6; 2 Cor. 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9
- ENTRY: Praise God in his temple (S 3).
- PRAISE: Children of God; Il est le même; Everybody praise the Lord now
- WORSHIP: I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- PEACE: To God be the glory/A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
- OFFERTORY: Amazing grace (S 79).
- COMMUNION: God, be gracious unto us (S 49).
- FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
2 February (HC) Candlemas.
- ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43).
- PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Jesu ni wangu / Jesu est mon ami
- WORSHIP: Lumière du monde (S 62)
- GOSPEL MELODY: You were the Word at the beginning / Tu étais là de la création (S 71)
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy (bilingue; S 73).
- SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- FINAL: Que puis-je rendre? (S 2)
26 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC)
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 77). TWO VERSIONS
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom
- WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57). TWO VERSIONS
- FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
19 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 1). TWO VERSIONS
- PRAISE: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi
- WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
- OFFERTORY: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table (bilingue S 70).
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
12 January. 2nd after Epiphany (HC).
- ENTRY: The gospel train is coming (S 54) TWO VERSIONS
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu
- WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68). TWO VERSIONS
- PEACE: Come, bless the Lord (S 48).
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
- COMMUNION: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11).
- FINAL: Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)
5 January WEEK 1. Epiphany (SW)
- ENTRY: Descends la vallée/Down the valley (S 29)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69).
- OFFERTORY: La marche des rois mages (S 79)
- SONG: Seigneur divin/Heavenly Lord (bilingue) (S 77).
- CLOSING HYMN: As with gladness men of old (A&M 94)
29 December. Christmas 1 (HC)
- PROCESSIONAL: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11).
- PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; God of mighty power; On the holy mountains (v. 1).
- WORSHIP: We believe this is Jesus (S 60)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Mary’s Boy Child (S 61)
- PEACE: He came down that we may have love
- OFFERTORY: Amazing grace (S 79).
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77).
- CLOSING HYMN: Children, go, I will send you (S 39)
25 December. Christmas Day (HC)
- Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- Entre le boeuf et l’âne gris (S 75)
- Communion: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69).
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
22 December. Advent 4 (HC) Mary
- PROCESSIONAL: Rise up, shepherd, and follow (S 34)
- PRAISE: Hosanna in the highest; Angels are singing “You are worthy”; Immortal God
- WORSHIP: Lord our Lord how excellent (S 30).
- GOSPEL MELODY: You Invaded Our Space (S 54).
- PEACE: Mary had a baby (S 13)
- OFFERTORY: The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
- COMMUNION: Infant holy, infant lowly (S 80).
- CLOSING HYMN: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)
15 December. Advent 3 (HC) John Baptist
Festival of Carols. No 14:00 service.
8 December. Advent 2 (HC) The Prophets
- PROCESSIONAL: When I was lost (S 68).
- PRAISE: Plus haut, plus haut; Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel.
- WORSHIP: He came down
- GOSPEL MELODY: Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- PEACE: He will pass by my door (S 66).
- OFFERTORY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table (bilingue S 70).
- CLOSING: A toi la gloire (S 11)
1 December. Advent 1
- PROCESSIONAL: For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; He is a mighty God
- WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- OFFERTORY: Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15); When he cometh (S 45)
- SONG: Jesus forgives (S 4).
- CLOSING: Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
24 November. Christ the King
- PROCESSIONAL: Seigneur divin/Heavenly Lord (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God.
- WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Amazing grace (S 79).
- PEACE: Nous sommes un (S 44)
- OFFERTORY: Lord Jesus, here I am (58).
- COMMUNION: Tu es le roi de gloire; You are the King of glory (S 32)
- CLOSING: Quand je contemple la gloire de Jésus-Christ le grand roi (S 66)
17 November. Remembrance Sunday
- PROCESSIONAL: Shout to the Lord (S 1).
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Come, bless the Lord; Jesus ne change pas; Dieu va faire encore.
- WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
- PEACE: Hold somebody; I love you with the love of the Lord (34)
- OFFERTORY: Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) (S 73)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57).
- CLOSING HYMN: J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) (S 19)
10 November. Remembrance Sunday
- PROCESSIONAL: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19).
- PRAISE: All the way to Calvary; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; The most excellency is Jesus; Every living soul, praise the Lord
- WORSHIP: Who is wonderful? And his name shall be called Wonderful
- GOSPEL MELODY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43).
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
- OFFERTORY: Descends la vallée/Down the valley (S 29).
- COMMUNION: Let there be a city (S 42).
- FINAL: Guide moi-Berger fidèle (S 65)
3 November. All Saints Sunday
- ENTRY: Oh when the saints (S 13)
- PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom.
- WORSHIP: Jesus is always shining (S 8)
- GOSPEL MELODY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy mountains (S 73).
- SONG: Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- Lord’s my shep
27 October. Trinity 22 (Proper 26).
- ENTRY: When I was lost (S 68).
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Comment ne pas te louer; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Sur les saintes montagnes (v. 1 et refr. en eng.).
- WORSHIP: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
- PEACE: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- OFFERTORY: Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)
- COMMUNION: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
- FINAL: Amazing grace (S 79).
20 October. Trinity 21 (Proper 25). Whoever wants to be great…
Job 38.1-7[34-41]; Ps. 104.1-10,26,35c*; Heb. 5.1-10; Mark 10.35-45
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 50 not S 1).
- PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Quand je vois la bonté; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore
- WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Jesus forgives (S 4).
- PEACE: If you wanna be great in God’s kingdom (S 10)
- OFFERTORY: Jesus is the Winna Mon; Winner oh! (S 47)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table, Seigneur (bilingue; S 70).
- FINAL: Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
13 October. Trinity 20 (Proper 24)
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 1).
- PRAISE: There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus; When Jesus says Yes; Immortal God, invisible God; Je chanterai de tout cœur
- WORSHIP: We are saying, “Thank you, Jesus”
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- PEACE: Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58).
- OFFERTORY: Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
- COMMUNION: God be gracious unto us (S 49).
- FINAL: I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
6 October. Trinity 19. (Proper 23) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.
- ENTRY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
- PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom.
- WORSHIP: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77).
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy mountains (S 73).
- SONG: Merci pour la croix (Digne est l’Agneau) [bilingue] (S 73)
- FINAL: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)
29 September. Trinity 18. (Proper 22) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.
- ENTRY: Oh when the saints go marching in (S 13)
- PRAISE: Come bless the Lord; Quand je vois la bonté; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Jesus we hail you.
- WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (NB NOT CWM RHONDDA)
- PEACE: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- OFFERTORY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- COMMUNION: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
22 September. Trinity 17. (Proper 21) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (bilingue S 29).
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom
- WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- OFFERTORY: My Jesus, my Saviour/Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77).
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
15 September. Trinity 16. (Proper 20) DCM Invalided. Recorded set.
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- PEACE: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
8 September. Trinity 15 (Proper 19) DCM Invalided. Recorded set from 18/8.
- ENTRY: Amazing grace (S 79).
- PRAISE: Come bless the Lord; Quand je vois la bonté; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Jesus we hail you
- WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer/ How excellent is thy name
- GOSPEL MELODY: Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
- OFFERTORY: I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- COMMUNION: God be gracious unto us (S 49).
- FINAL: Mon seul appui/There’s not a friend (S 37)
1 September. Trinity 14 (Proper 18) DCM Invalided. Recorded set from 11/8.
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35
- ENTRY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
- PRAISE: Je chanterai; Plus haut; We conquer Satan; Jesu ni wangu/Jesus est mon ami
- WORSHIP: You are my strength/Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy mountains (S 73).
- SONG: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
25 August. Trinity 13 (Proper 17)
1 Kings 8.22-30,41-43; Psalm 84; Ephesians 6.10-20; John 6.56-69
- ENTRY: Praise God in his temp (bil) (S 3).
- PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Quand je vois la bonté; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore
- WORSHIP: Tu es le roi de gloire; You are the King of glory (S 32)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77).
- PEACE: Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)
- OFFERTORY: Jesus is the Winna Mon; Winner oh! (S 47)
- COMMUNION: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
- FINAL: I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
18 August. Trinity 12 (Proper 16) Whoever eats this bread will live for ever [Recorded]
1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5.15-20; John 6.51-58
- ENTRY: Amazing grace (S 79).
- PRAISE: Come bless the Lord; Quand je vois la bonté; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Jesus we hail you
- WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer/ How excellent is thy name
- GOSPEL MELODY: Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57).
- OFFERTORY: I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- COMMUNION: God be gracious unto us (S 49).
- FINAL: Mon seul appui/There’s not a friend (S 37)
11 August. Trinity 11 (Proper 15). Baptism. Here is the bread that comes down from heaven [Recorded]
2 Samuel 18.5-9,15,31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35,41-51
- ENTRY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
- PRAISE: Je chanterai; Plus haut; We conquer Satan; Jesu ni wangu/Jesus est mon ami
- WORSHIP: You are my strength/Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
- PEACE: He will pass by my door (S 66)
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes/On the holy mountains (S 73).
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
4 August. Trinity 10 (Proper 14) I am the bread of life
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1).
- PRAISE: There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God; Je chanterai de tout cœur
- WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Jesus forgives (S 4).
- OFFERTORY: I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- SONG: I am the bread of life (S 39)
- FINAL: A Dieu soit la gloire (S 78)
28 July. Trinity 9 (Proper 13) Jesus feeds the 5,000
2 Samuel 11.1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3.14-21; John 6.1-21
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77).
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom
- WORSHIP: As the deer pants for the water (S 37)
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68).
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- OFFERTORY: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- COMMUNION: You asked me / Tu m’invites à ta table (bilingue S 70).
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
21 July. Trinity 8 (Proper 12) Jesus feeds the 5,000 [Recorded]
2 Samuel 7.1-14a; Psalm 89.20-37; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34,53-56
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (S 29).
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- PEACE: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64).
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77).
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
14 July. Trinity 7 (Proper 11) John Baptist beheaded
2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; Mark 6.14-29
- ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (43).
- PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Glory be to God in the highest; Amen.
- WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- PEACE: A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
- OFFERTORY: You invaded our space (S 54).
- COMMUNION: For the Music Director on a harp of ten strings (S 66).
- FINAL: Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
7 July. Trinity 6 (Proper 10) A prophet is not without honour
2 Sam. 5.1-5,9-10; Ps. 48; 2 Cor. 12.2-10; Mark 6.1-13
- ENTRY: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom.
- WORSHIP: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- OFFERTORY: Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)
- SONG: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57).
- FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
30 June. Trinity 5 (Proper 9) The dead raised and the sick healed
2 Samuel 1.1,17-27; Psalm 130; 2 Corinthians 8.7-15; Mark 5.21-43
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord (S 50 not S 1).
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia Bwana; Il est vivant; Dieu va faire encore; Venez-voir-oh
- WORSHIP: Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Tu es l’amour de ma vie (S 28)
- PEACE: He will pass by my door (S 66).
- OFFERTORY: Jesus is the Winna Mon; Winner oh! (S 47)
- COMMUNION: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
- FINAL: Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)
23 June. Trinity 4 (Proper 9) Jesus heals the sick and raises the dead
2 Sam. 1.1,17-27; Ps. 130; 2 Cor. 8.7-15; Mark 5.21-43
- ENTRY: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19).
- PRAISE: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God; Je chanterai de tout cœur
- WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- PEACE: He came down that we may have love
- OFFERTORY: Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
- COMMUNION: There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- FINAL: Amazing Grace (S 79).
16 June. Trinity 3. Parables of seeds
1 Sam. 15.34 – 16.13; Ps. 20; 2 Cor. 5.6-10; [11-13]14-17; Mark 4.26-34
- ENTRY: Praise God in his temple / Louez Dieu dans son temple (bilingue) (S 3).
- PRAISE: Comment ne pas te louer; Children of God; Il est le même; Jésus ne change pas; Everybody praise the Lord now
- WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Bringing in the sheaves (S 44)
- PEACE: Nous sommes un (S 44)
- OFFERTORY: On the holy mountains/Sur les saintes montagnes (S 73).
- COMMUNION: God, be gracious unto us (S 49).
- FINAL: Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
9 June. Trinity 2
- ENTRY: Praise him! Praise him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer (S 45)
- PRAISE: Quand je vois la bonté; Come bless the Lord; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu.
- WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- GOSPEL MELODY: God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- PEACE: This little light of mine (S 2)
- OFFERTORY: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invites à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
2 June. Trinity 1
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- PRAISE: Jesus, we hail you; Il m’a sauvé; Dieu va faire encore; Venez-voir-oh.
- WORSHIP: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
- OFFERTORY: I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- SONG: Praise him! Praise him! Jesus our blessed Redeemer (S 45)
- FINAL: Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
26 May. Trinity Sunday [Recorded. Wavreumont weekend]
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- COMMUNION: Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
19 May. Pentecost
- ENTRY: Descends la valléé / Down the valley (S 29)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God.
- WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Que toute la terre proclame ton nom (S 78)
- PEACE: Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58)
- OFFERTORY: Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
- COMMUNION: I am the vine (S 80)
- FINAL: Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
12 May. Easter 7. Sunday after Ascension. Belgian Mothers’ Day (HC)
- ENTRY: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always.
- WORSHIP: Let the Spirit of the Lord come down / O Lord, come down and manifest your power (S 35)
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- PEACE: I’m so glad Jesus lifted me (S 16)
- OFFERTORY: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
- COMMUNION: Jesus forgives (S 4).
- FINAL: A Dieu soit la gloire (S 78)
5 May. Easter 6.
- ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (43)
- PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom
- WORSHIP: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- OFFERTORY: I’m goin’ a sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- SONG: Amazing Grace (S 79)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
28 April (HC). Easter 5. Peace & Conflict Reconciliation awards
- ENTRY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Everybody praise the Lord now.
- WORSHIP: Tu es le roi de gloire, Tu es le prince de paix (S 32)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Comme un fleuve immense est la paix de Dieu (S 65)
- OFFERTORY: J’ai l’assurance (S 19) [J’ai la paix du coeur]
- COMMUNION: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- FINAL: When peace like a river (S 31)
21 April (HC). Easter 4. Good Shepherd Sunday
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (v.1 FR; v.2 FR) (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- PEACE: I’ve got peace like a river (S 15)
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
14 April (HC). Easter 3.
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: Il est le même; Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Dieu va faire encore; Je chanterai de tout coeur; Merci, merci Jésus
- WORSHIP: Jehovah est son nom (S 35)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PEACE: He will pass by my door (S 66)
- OFFERTORY: Oh when the saints (S 13)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- FINAL: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
7 April (SW). Easter 2. Doubting Thomas
- ENTRY: Jésus sort de la tombe (S 68)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Il est vivant; He is a mighty God; Eh Yahweh kumama.
- WORSHIP: Who is wonderful; Alleluia na Yesu (S 35)
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
- OFFERTORY: There is something today (S 1)
- SONG: Tout honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
- FINAL: I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
31 March (HC). Easter Sunday
- ENTRY: C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Were you there? (S 35)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jesu? (S 57)
- OFFERTORY: They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
24 March (HC). Palm Sunday
- ENTRY: Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Come, bless the Lord; I will praise him; Il est le même.
- WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- GOSPEL MELODY: Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)
- PEACE: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- OFFERTORY: Didn’t my Lord deliver Daniel? (S 56)
- COMMUNION: Friend of sinners (S 36)
- FINAL: Mon Sauveur mourut à la croix (S 76)
17 March (HC). Passion Sunday / St Patrick’s Day
- ENTRY: Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Il est le même; Jesus we hail you; Oui j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)
- PEACE: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11)
- OFFERTORY: Amazing Grace (S 79)
- COMMUNION: There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- FINAL: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
10 March (HC) Laetare / Mothering Sunday
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always.
- WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- PEACE: I’m so glad Jesus lifted me (S 16)
- OFFERTORY: Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77)
- FINAL: Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
3 March (SW). 3rd Sunday of Lent: Jesus cleanses the temple [Recorded]
Exod. 20.1-17; Ps. 19; 1 Cor. 1.18-25; John 2.13-22
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (S 29)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
25 February (HC). 2nd Sunday of Lent
- ENTRY: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon.
- WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: A Dieu soit la gloire pour son grand amour (S 78)
- PEACE: Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58)
- OFFERTORY: Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- FINAL: J’ai l’assurance / Blessed assurance (S 19)
18 February (HC). 1st Sunday of Lent
- ENTRY: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19)
- PRAISE: I have seen, seen; We conquer Satan; He is the mighty God; Jesus, we hail you
- WORSHIP: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu
- GOSPEL MELODY: Children don’t get weary (S 40); Done made my vow (S 22)
- PEACE: Plus haut, plus haut (S 27)
- OFFERTORY: Jesus is the Winna Mon; Winner oh! (S 47)
- COMMUNION: Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
11 February (HC). Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration
2 Kgs 2.1-12; Ps. 50.1-6; 2 Cor. 4.3-6; Mark 9.2-9
- ENTRY: Praise God in his temple (S 3)
- PRAISE: Children of God; Il est le même; Jésus ne change pas; Everybody praise the Lord now
- WORSHIP: I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- PEACE: A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
- OFFERTORY: Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- COMMUNION: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- FINAL: Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
4 February (HC) Second Sunday before Lent. In the beginning was the Word
Prov. 8.1,22-31; Ps. 104.26-37; Col. 1.15-20; John 1.1-14
- ENTRY: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Jesu ni wangu / Jesu est mon ami
- WORSHIP: Lumière du monde (S 62)
- GOSPEL MELODY: You were the Word at the beginning / Tu étais là de la création (S 71)
- OFFERTORY: Chakutumaini Sina (S 37)
- SONG: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- FINAL: Que puis-je rendre? (S 2)
28 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC) [Recorded; DCM in Scotland]
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 77)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (S 4)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
- FINAL: Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
21 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23
- ENTRY: Shout to the Lord, all the earth (50)
- PRAISE: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi.
- WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57)
- OFFERTORY: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- COMMUNION: Arise, shine (S 30)
- FINAL: Quand la Bible ici-bas (66)
14 January. 2nd after Epiphany (HC). Jesus calls Philip and Nathanael
1 Sam. 3.1-10[11-20]; Psalm 139.1-5,12-18; Rev. 5.1-10; John 1.43-51
- ENTRY: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu.
- WORSHIP: Tout, honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
- PEACE: Come, bless the Lord (S 48)
- OFFERTORY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- COMMUNION: Que le Seigneur te bénisse (bilingue; S 11)
- FINAL: Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)
7 January 2024. 1st after Epiphany (SW)
- ENTRY: Descends la vallée/Down the valley (S 29)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan; Il a reçu le nom.
- WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)
- OFFERTORY: La marche des rois mages (S 78)
- SONG: Seigneur divin/Heavenly Lord (bilingue) (S 77)
- CLOSING HYMN: As with gladness men of old (A&M 94)
31 December. New Year’s Eve (HC)
- PROCESSIONAL: God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; God of mighty power.
- WORSHIP: We believe this is Jesus (S 60)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Mary’s Boy Child (S 61)
- PEACE: He came down that we may have love
- OFFERTORY: Guide moi-Berger fidèle (S 65)
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77)
- CLOSING HYMN: Children, go, I will send you (S 39)
25 December. Christmas Day (HC)
- Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- Entre le boeuf et l’âne gris (S 75)
- Communion: Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
24 December. Advent 4 (HC) Mary
- PROCESSIONAL: Rise up, shepherd, and follow (S 34)
- PRAISE: Hosanna in the highest; Angels are singing “You are worthy”; Immortal God.
- WORSHIP: Amen!—See the baby (S 75)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Douce nuit (S 79)
- PEACE: Mary had a baby (S 13)
- OFFERTORY: The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
- COMMUNION: Lord our Lord how excellent (S 30)
- CLOSING HYMN: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)
17 December. Advent 3 (HC) John Baptist
Festival of Carols. No 14:00 service.
10 December. Advent 2 (HC) The Prophets
- PROCESSIONAL: Acclame l’Éternel/Shout to the Lord (bilingue: S 77)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel. WORSHIP: He came down
- GOSPEL MELODY: Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- PEACE: He will pass by my door (S 66)
- OFFERTORY: For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table (bilingue S 70)
- CLOSING: A toi la gloire (S 11)
3 December. Advent Sunday (SW)
- PROCESSIONAL: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- PRAISE: The Son of God is coming again; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; He is a mighty God. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PEACE: Plus haut, plus haut (S 27)
- OFFERTORY: Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15); When he cometh (S 45)
- SONG: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- CLOSING: Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
26 November. Christ the King Sunday (HC)
- PROCESSIONAL: Seigneur divin/Heavenly Lord (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God.
- WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire de Jésus-Christ le grand roi (S 66)
- PEACE: Nous sommes un (S 44)
- OFFERTORY: Lord Jesus, here I am (58)
- COMMUNION: Tu es le roi de gloire; You are the King of glory (S 32)
- CLOSING: La grâce du ciel (S 64)
19 November. Safeguarding Sunday (HC)
- PROCESSIONAL: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Come, bless the Lord. WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
- PEACE: Hold somebody; I love you with the love of the Lord (34)
- OFFERTORY: Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) (S 73)
- COMMUNION: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
- CLOSING HYMN: J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) (S 19)
12 November. Remembrance Sunday (HC)
- PROCESSIONAL: Descends la vallée/Down the valley (S 29)
- PRAISE: All the way to Calvary; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; The most excellency is Jesus; Every living soul, praise the Lord. WORSHIP: Who is wonderful? And his name shall be called Wonderful.
- PEACE: Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57)
- OFFERTORY: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- COMMUNION: Let there be a city (S 42)
- FINAL: Guide moi-Berger fidèle (S 65)
5 November. All Saints (SW)
- Oh when the saints (S 13)
- PRAISE: I have another world in view; On the holy mountains/Sur les saintes (S 73). WORSHIP: Jesus is always shining (S 8)
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Quand je contemple la gloire de Jésus-Christ le grand roi (S 66)
29 October. Last Sunday of Trinity (HC)
- Shout to the Lord (S 50)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Quand je vois la bonté; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; He will pass by my door; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (S 66)
- Que le Seigneur te bénisse / May you be blessed (S 11)
- Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
22 October. Trinity 20 (HC)
- Praise God in his temple / Louez Dieu dans son temple (bilingue) (S 3)
- PRAISE: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; There’s no one, there’s no one like Jesus; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God; Je chanterai de tout cœur. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Friend of sinners (S 36)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
15 October. Trinity 19 (HC)
- God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel; Everybody praise the Lord now. WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- Communion: Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
8 October. Trinity 18 (HC)
- Je suis une nouvelle création (S 10)
- PRAISE: Quand je vois la bonté; Oui la joie du Seigneur en moi; Oh Jésus soit loué; God you’re so good. WORSHIP: This is my desire.
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Communion: For the eye and for its seeing (S 40)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
1 October. Harvest Thanksgiving (SW).
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (bilingue: S 1)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Come, bless the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom; Il est le roi des rois; Amen. WORSHIP: Lord, I hear of showers of blessing (S 17).
- Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
- Semons dès l’aurore (S 44)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
24 September. 16th after Trinity (HC). The labourers in the vineyard.
Exodus 16.2-15; Ps. 105.1-6,37-45; Phil. 1.21-30; Matt. 20.1-16.
- For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- Praise: Praising the Lord always; Il est le même; Je chanterai de tout coeur; Eh Yahwe kumama. WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus.
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
17 September. 15th after Trinity (HC). The unmerciful servant.
Exod. 14.19-31; Ps. 114; Rom. 14.1-12; Matt. 18.21-35.
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Jesus, I call the name (S 59).
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
Viens, ne tarde plus, adore (S 72)
10 September. 14th after Trinity (HC). Whatever you bind on earth.
Exod. 12.1-14; Ps. 149; Rom. 13.8-14; Matt. 18.15-20.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Come, bless the Lord (S 48); Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
- En Christ seul est mon espérance [My hope is built on nothing less] (S 73)
- Communion: For the music director on a harp of ten strings (S 66)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
3 September. 13th after Trinity (SW). The cost of discipleship.
Exodus 3.1-15; Ps. 105.1-6,23-26,45b*; Rom. 12.9-21; Matt. 16.21-28
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Quand je vois la bonté; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (70).
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- Merci pour la croix (Digne est l’Agneau) [bilingue] (S 73)
- I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
27 August. 12th after Trinity (HC). You are the Messiah, Son of the living God
Isaiah 51.1–6 or Romans 12.1-8; Matt. 16.13-20
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 77)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: You are my strength (S 4)
- God, we praise you (S 11)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
20 August. 11th after Trinity (HC). The Canaanite woman
Isaiah 56.1,6–8; Rom. 11.1-2a, 29-32; Matt. 15.[10-20]21-28
- Descends la vallée, montes les montagnes (S 29)
- Praise: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
13 August. 10th after Trinity (HC). Jesus Walks on the Water
1 Kgs 19.9-18; Rom. 10.5-15; Matt. 14.22-33
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- Standing in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
6 August. 9th after Trinity (SW). The Transfiguration
Luke 9.28-36; Daniel 7.9,10,13,14; 2 Peter 1.16-19
- Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- PRAISE: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Glory be to God in the highest; Amen. WORSHIP: Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- Je vois le Seigneur / I see the Lord (S 10)
- Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
30 July. 8th after Trinity (HC). More Parables
Gen. 29.15-28; Ps. 105.1-11,45b; 128; Rom. 8.26-39; Matt. 13.31-33,44-52
- Marching to Zion (S 43)
- PRAISE: God of mighty power; Jesus we hail you (Once I was lost); There’s no-one, no-one like Jesus; I was glad. WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Communion: Let all mortal flesh (S 77)
- A Dieu soit la gloire (S 78)
23 July. 7th after Trinity (HC) The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
Gen. 28.10-19a; Ps. 139.1-11,23,24; Rom. 8.12-25; Matt. 13.24-30,36-43
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 50)
- Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
- Tu es l’amour de ma vie (S 28)
- King of everlasting right (S 69)
- Welcome: Give thanks with a grateful heart (S 29)
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (S 66)
16 July. 6th after Trinity (HC) The Parable of the Sower
Gen. 25.19-34; Ps. 119.105-112; Rom. 8.1-11; Matt. 13.1-9,18-23
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Quand je vois la bonté; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; He will pass by my door; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Communion: Semons dès l’aurore (S 44)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
9 July. 5th after Trinity (HC) Come to me, all you who are weary
Gen. 24.34-38,42-49, 58-67; Ps. 45.10-17; Rom. 7.15-25a; Matt. 11.16-19,25-30
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Come, bless the Lord; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
- Goin’ to lay down my burden (S 17)
- I come to the garden (S 33)
- J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) (S 19)
2 July 4th after Trinity (SW) The Great Commission
Isa. 40.12-17,27-31; Ps. 8; 2 Cor. 13.11-13; Matt. 28.16-20
- Praise God in his temple / Louez Dieu dans son temple (S 3)
- PRAISE: We conquer Satan; There’s no-one like Jesus; Plus haut, plus haut; What will you do when I tell you of Jesus; Children of God. WORSHIP: Que puis-je rendre?
- Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
- Oh how I love Jesus (S 22)
- Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)
25 June. 3rd after Trinity (HC). He who loses his life for my sake will find it
Gen. 21.8-21; Ps. 86.1-10,16-17; Rom. 6.1b-11; Matt. 10.24-39
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus.
- Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- I have decided to follow Jesus/ Oui, j’ai choisis de suivre Jésus (8)
18 June. 2nd after Trinity (HC) The Twelve Disciples [Recorded]
Gen. 18.1-15 [21.1-7]; Ps. 116.1,10-17; Romans 5.1-8; Matt. 9.35 – 10.8 [9-23]
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- Standing in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
11 June. 1st after Trinity (HC) Doctor Jesus
Gen. 12.1-9; Ps. 33.1-12; Rom. 4.13-25; Matt. 9.9-13,18-26
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
- Praise: Jesus, we hail you; Il m’a sauvé; Dieu va faire encore; Venez-voir-oh. Worship: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu.
- There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
4 June Trinity Sunday (SW). The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
Isa. 40.12-17,27-31; Ps. 8; 2 Cor. 13.11-13; Matt. 28.16-20
- Let your living water/Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
- Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- God, we praise you; God, we bless you (S 11)
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
28 May. Pentecost (HC).
- Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (Bilingue. S 77)
- Communion: Holy Spirit, living breath of God (A&M 249)
- Que toute la terre proclame ton nom (S 78)
21 May. Easter 7 (HC).
Acts 1.6-14; Ps. 68.1-10,32-35; 1 Peter 4.12-14; 5.6-11; John 17.1-11
- Merci pour la croix (Digne est l’Agneau) (Bilingue; S 73)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: Dieu, ait pitié de nous (Bilingue; S 49)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
14 May. Easter 6 (HC) Belgian Mothers’ Day
Acts 17.22-31; Ps. 66.7-18; 1 Peter 3.13-22; John 14.15-21.
- A Dieu soit la gloire (S 78)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Send your fire (power, love); The Son of God is coming again; Je chanterai de tout coeur. WORSHIP: Let the Spirit of the Lord come down / O Lord, come down and manifest your power (S 35)
- For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- Communion: There is a Redeemer (A&M 805)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
7 May. Easter 5 (HC) [Recorded]
Acts 7.55-60; Ps. 31; 1 Peter 2.2-10; John 14.1-14
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Praise: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Communion: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
30 April. Easter 4 (HC). Good Shepherd Sunday [Recorded]
Acts 9.36-43; Ps. 23; Rev. 7.9-17; John 10.22-30
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: You are my strength (S 4)
- Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
23 April. Easter 3 (HC). The Emmaus Road [Recorded]
Acts 2.14a,36-41; Psalm 116.1-3,10-17; 1 Peter 1.17-23; Luke 24.13-35
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 77)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: Tu m’invites à ta table, Seigneur (S 38)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
16 April. Easter 2 (HC). Doubting Thomas
- Jésus sort de la tombe (S 68)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Il est vivant; He is a mighty God; Eh Yahweh kumama. WORSHIP: Who is wonderful; Alleluia na Yesu (S 35)
- Tout honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
9 April. Easter Sunday (HC).
- C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Were you there? (S 35)
- They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- Communion: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
2 April. Palm Sunday (SW).
Matt. 21.1-11; Ps. 118.1-2,19-29.
- Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Send your fire (power, love); I will praise him; Il est le même. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Communion: Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)
- Mon Sauveur mourut à la croix (S 76)
26 March. Passion Sunday (HC). The resurrection of Lazarus
Ezek. 37.1-14; Ps. 130; Rom. 8.6-11; John 11.1-45.
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PRAISE: Halle, halle, halle, hallelujah; What a mighty God we serve; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan. WORSHIP: Attire-moi à toi (S 27).
- Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)
- Communion: Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart (S 22)
- J’ai l’assurance (S 19) vv. 2-4.
19 March. Laetare Sunday (HC). The man born blind
1 Sam. 16.1-13; Ps. 23; Eph. 5.8-14; John 9.1-41
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Il est le même; Jesus we hail you; Oui j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
12 March. Lent 3 (HC). The Samaritan woman at the well
Exodus 17.1-7; Ps. 95; Rom. 5.1-11; John 4.5-42.
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always. WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant.
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table (bilingue) (S 38)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
5 March. Lent 2 (SW).
- Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
- Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Communion: The Lord’s my Shepherd (S 57)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
26 February. Lent 1 (HC). Jesus tempted in the wilderness.
- We’re going up to the high places; Whose report will you believe? (S 46)
- Praise: Jesus, we hail you; What a mighty God; Dieu va faire encore; Venez-voir-oh. Worship: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu.
- Children don’t get weary (S 40); Done made my vow (S 22)
- Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
19 February. 1st before Lent (HC). The Transfiguration
Exod. 24.12-18; Ps. 2 or 99; 2 Pet. 1.16-21; Matt. 17.1-9.
- Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
- Praise: Children of God; Il est le même; Jésus ne change pas; Come bless the Lord; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: Jehovah est son nom.
- I see the Lord (bilingue; S 10)
- Communion: For the eye and for its seeing (S 40)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
12 February. 2nd before Lent (HC). Seek ye first the Kingdom
Gen. 1.1-2.3; Ps. 136; Rom. 8.18-25; Matt. 6.25-34.
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Praise: He is the King of kings; je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- For the beauty of the earth (S 21)
- Communion: Cherchez d’abord (S 31)
- Shall we gather at the river (S 31)
5 February. 3rd before Lent. Salt & Light (SW)
Isaiah 58.1-9a[b-12]; 1 Cor. 2.1-12[13-16]; Matt. 5.13-20.
- Descends la vallée, montes les montagnes (S 29)
- PRAISE: Il est vivant; Il est le même … Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Ensemble louons l’Eternel. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (76)
- I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
29 January. The Presentation of Christ in the Temple (HC) [Recorded]
Mal. 3.1-5; Heb. 2.14-18; Luke 2.22-40
- Praise God in his temple (bilingue) (S 3)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Communion: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (70)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
22 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus call the disciples (HC)
Isaiah 9.1-4; 1 Corinthians 1.10-18; Matthew 4.12-23
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (50)
- Praise: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi; God you’re so good. Worship: Que tes vives eaux (S 24).
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- Communion: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (66)
15 January. Epiphany 2 (HC) [Recorded]
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Plus haut, plus haut/Jette tes fardeaux; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
8 January. Epiphany 1 (HC) [Recorded]
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (bilingue) (S 38)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
1 January. New Year’s Day [Recorded]
- Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (bilingue) (S 77)
- The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
25 December. Christmas Day (HC).
- O peuple fidèle (S 71)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
- Communion: Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
18 December. Advent 4. Festival of Nine Lessons & Carols.
Nine Lessons and Carols. No 14H service.
11 December. Advent 3 (HC). The greatness of John Baptist (Matthew 11.2-11).
- He came down that we may have love; O Lord, come down and manifest your power
- Praise: The most excellency is Jesus; Jésus ne change pas; Nita mwimbia Bwana; Il est le même…je vais chanter. Worship: Draw me close to you.
- Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful day (S 27)
- Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
4 December. Advent 2 (SW). John baptizes many (Matthew 3.1-12)
- Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: This is my desire.
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Wade in the water (S 18)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
27 November. Advent Sunday (HC). The Day & Hour Unknown (Matthew 24.36-44)
Isa. 2.1-5; Ps. 122; Rom. 13.11-14; Matt. 24.36-44
- Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- PRAISE: Il est vivant; Il est le même … Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Ensemble louons l’Eternel. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- When he cometh (S 45)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (bilingue) (S 38)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
20 November. Christ the King (HC).
Jer. 23.1-6; Ps. 46; Col. 1.11-20; Luke 23.33-43
- Praise God in his temple (bilingue) (S 3)
- PRAISE: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; When Jesus says Yes, nobody can say No; Immortal God, invisible God; Je chanterai de tout cœur. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- Quand je contemple la gloire de Jésus-Christ le grand roi (S 66)
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire; You are the King of glory (S 32)
- La grâce du ciel (S 64)
13 November. Remembrance Sunday (HC).
Mal. 4.1-2a; Ps. 98; 2 Thess. 3.6-13; Luke 21.5-19
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: I was glad…in my Father’s house; Il est le même; Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Nita mwimbia bwana; Oh Jésus soit loué; Eh Yahwe kumama. Worship: This is my desire. WORSHIP: Who is wonderful; Alleluia na Yesu (S 35)
- Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- Communion: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
6 November. Jesus Teaching on the Resurrection (HC). [Recorded]
Job 19.23-27a; Ps. 17.1-9*; 2 Thess. 2.1-5,13-17; Luke 20.27-38
- The gospel train is coming (S 54) 18 Sep.
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Cast your burdens/Plus haut, plus haut; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen. 17 July
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64) 18 Sep. 17 July
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57) 17 July
- A toi la gloire (S 11) 17 July
30 October. All Saints Sunday (HC). Blessed are you. [Recorded]
Daniel 7.1-3,15-18; Psalm 149; Ephesians 1.11-23; Luke 6.20-31.
- Oh when the saints go marching in (S 13) NEW
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33). 10 JULY
- I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15) 19 June
- Communion: Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71) NEW
- Guide-moi, berger fidèle (CWM RHONDDA) NEW
23 October. Proper 25 (HC). The Pharisee and the Tax Collector.
Joel 2.23-32; Psalm 65*; 2 Timothy 4.6-8,16-18; Luke 18.9-14.
- Marching to Zion (S 43)
- PRAISE: Come and see oh/Venez voir; Dieu va faire encore; Il est le même… Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Gloire à ton nom… Auteur de notre joie. WORSHIP: Draw me close to you/ Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Venez-voir-oh; Come and see-oh; Na so-so wonders; I’m serving a God of miracles (S 44)
16 October. Proper 24 (HC). The persistent widow.
Jeremiah 31.27-34; Psalm 119.97-104; 2 Timothy 3.14 – 4.5; Luke 18.1-8.
- Jésus quitta le trône de Son Père [I am so glad] (S 55)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; I have seen the downfall of Satan; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. WORSHIP: Who is wonderful; Alleluia na Yesu (S 35).
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Communion: Cherchez d’abord (S 31)
- Mon Sauveur mourut (S 76)
9 October. Proper 23 (HC). The thankful leper.
Jeremiah 29.1,4-7; Psalm 66.1-11; 2 Timothy 2.8-15; Luke 17.11-19.
- Je suis une nouvelle création (S 10)
- PRAISE: Quand je vois la bonté; Oui la joie du Seigneur en moi; Oh Jésus soit loué; God you’re so good. WORSHIP: Tu es ma force (You are my all in all) (S 4).
- Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- Communion: Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (S 66)
2 October. 16th after Trinity (SW). Harvest thanksgiving.
Deut. 26.1-11; Phil. 4.4-9; Rev. 14.14-18; John 6.25-35
- Descends la vallée, montes les montagnes (S 29)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Oh, he never changes; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom; Il est le roi des rois; Amen. WORSHIP: Lord, I hear of showers of blessing (S 17).
- Quand le vol de la tempête (When upon life’s billows) (S 73)
- Semons dès l’aurore [Bringing in the sheaves] (S 44)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
25 September. 15th after Trinity (HC). Lazarus and the rich man.
Jer. 32.1-3a,6-15; Ps. 91.1-6,14-16; 1 Tim. 6.6-19; Luke 16.19-31.
- For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- Praise: Praising the Lord always; Il est le même; Je chanterai de tout coeur; Eh Yahwe kumama. WORSHIP: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus.
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Communion: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
18 September. 14th after Trinity (HC: Recorded). You can’t serve God and Mammon.
Jer. 8.18-9.1; Ps. 79.1-9; 1 Tim. 2.1-7; Luke 16.1-13.
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
11 September. 13th after Trinity (HC). Seeking and saving the lost.
Jer. 4.11-12,22-28; Ps. 14; 1 Tim. 1.12-17; Luke 15.1-10.
- Heavenly Lord (bilingue) (S 77)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
- En Christ seul est mon espérance [My hope is built on nothing less] (S 73)
- Communion: Je suis Tien, Seigneur [I am thine, O Lord] (NEW S 26)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
4 September. 12th after Trinity (SW). The cost of discipleship.
Jer. 18.1-11; Ps. 139.1-5,12-18; Phlm. 1-21; Luke 14.25-33.
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- Merci pour la croix (Digne est l’Agneau) [bilingue] (S 73)
- I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
28 August. 11th after Trinity. Jesus eats with a Pharisee.
Jer. 2.4-13; Ps. 81.1,10-16; Heb. 13.1-8,15,16; Luke 14.1,7-14.
- Praise God in his temple (bilingue) (S 3)
- Praise: Thank you Jesus, the lover of my soul; Come and see oh; Venez voir oh; He has given me victory; The Most Excellency is Jesus; Amen Alleluia. Worship: Il n’y a que toi, Seigneur; Alleluia Amen.
- Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Communion: All my days (S 52)
- La grâce du ciel (S 64)
21 August. 10th after Trinity. A cripple healed.
Jer. 1.4-10; Ps. 71.1-6; Heb. 12.18-29; Luke 13.10-17.
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- Praise: Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Dieu va faire encore; Praising the Lord always; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Que tes fleuves d’eaux vives coulent dans mon coeur (S 24).
- En Jésus seul j’ai l’espérance (In Christ alone) (S 76)
- Communion: Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
14 August. 9th after Trinity. Interpret the signs of the times.
Isa. 5.1-7; Ps. 80.1-2,9-20; Heb. 11.29 – 12.2; Luke 12.49-56.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 52)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (66)
- Lord, I hear of showers of blessing (S 17)
- Jésus revient, allélluia (S 60)
7 August. 8th after Trinity (HC). Where your treasure is…
Isa. 1.1,10-20; Ps. 50.1-8, 23,24; Heb. 11.1-3,8-16; Luke 12.32-40.
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Praise: Praising the Lord always; Il est le même; Je chanterai de tout coeur; Eh Yahwe kumama. Worship: Amen, Amen, blessings and glory; Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus.
- God, we praise you; God, we bless you (S 11)
- Communion: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
31 July. 7th after Trinity (HC). The Rich Fool.
Hos. 11.1-11; Ps. 107.1-9,43; Col. 3.1-11; Luke 12.13-21.
- For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
- Praise:
- Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
24 July. 6th after Trinity (HC). Our Father.
Hos. 1.2-10; Ps. 85; Col. 2.6-15[16-19]; Luke 11.1-13.
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29).
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
17 July. 5th after Trinity (HC). Martha and Mary (Recorded)
Amos 8.1-12; Ps. 52; Col. 1.15-28; Luke 10.38-42.
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Cast your burdens/Plus haut, plus haut; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
10 July. 4th after Trinity (SW). The Good Samaritan (Recorded)
Amos 7.7-17; Ps. 82; Col. 1.1-14; Luke 10.25-37.
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good.
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- When I was lost (S 68)
- I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
3 July. 3rd after Trinity (HC). Jesus in Mission. (Recorded)
2 Kings 5.1-14; Ps. 30; Galatians 6.[1-6]7-16; Luke 10.1-11,16-20
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
26 June. 2nd after Trinity. The cost of discipleship. 2 Kgs 2.1-2,6-14; Ps. 77.1-2,11-20; Gal. 5.1,13-25; Luke 9.51-62.
- Praise God in his temple (S 3)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
- Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- Communion: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- I have decided to follow Jesus/ Oui, j’ai choisis de suivre Jésus (8)
19 June. 1st after Trinity. The Gadarene demoniac (Recorded) 1 Kings 19.1-4[5-7]8-15a; Psalms 42-43; Gal. 3.23-29; Luke 8.26-39.
- Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Cast your burdens/Plus haut, plus haut; We conquer Satan; Yesu ni wangu. WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen.
- I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- Communion: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
12 June. Trinity Sunday (SW). Prov. 8.1-4,22-31; Ps. 8; Rom. 5.1-5; John 16.12-15.
- Let your living water/Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; Il est le même; Dieu va faire encore. WORSHIP: Comment ne pas te louer, Jésus; How excellent is your name, O Lord.
- Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- God, we praise you; God, we bless you (S 11)
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
5 June. Pentecost (HC). Acts 2.1-21; John 14.8-17[25-27].
- Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
- PRAISE: Praising the Lord always; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi; Everybody praise the Lord now; Children of God. WORSHIP: As the deer (S 29); You are my all in all (S 4).
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
- Communion: Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
29 May. Easter 7 (HC). Jesus prays for his disciples. John 17.20-26. Cantor.
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
- Communion: Dieu, ait pitié de nous (S 49)
- Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
22 May. Easter 6 (HC). Whoever loves me will keep my command. Acts 16.9-15; Ps. 67; Rev. 21.10,22-22.5; John 14.23-29. Cantor.
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4)
- Descend, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: You asked me to your table, Lord (S 62)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
15 May. Easter 5 (HC). A new commandment. Acts 11.1-18; Ps. 148; Rev. 21.1-6; John 13.31-35.
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- Thank you for the cross/Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- Communion: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
8 May. Easter 4 (SW). Good Shepherd Sunday (HC). Acts 9.36-43
Ps. 23; Rev. 7.9-17; John 10.22-30.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Jesus, how I love calling your name.
- En Jésus seul j’ai l’espérance (In Christ alone) (S 76)
- Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
1 May. Easter 3 (AAW SW). Jesus at Lake Galilee. Acts 9.1-6 [7-20], Rev. 5.11-14; John 21.1-19.
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- PRAISE: Il est le même; Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Dieu va faire encore; Je chanterai de tout coeur WORSHIP: Merci, Jésus; Jehovah est son nom (S 35)
- My Lord, what a morning (S 67)
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire (32)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
24 April. Easter 2. Doubting Thomas (HC).
- Jésus sort de la tombe (S 68)
- PRAISE: I was glad; Il est vivant; He is a mighty God; Eh Yahweh kumama. WORSHIP: Who is wonderful; Alleluia na Yesu (S 35)
- Tout honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
- Communion: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
17 April. Easter Sunday (HC).
- C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom. WORSHIP: Were you there (S 35)
- They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- Communion: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
10 April. Palm Sunday. (SW) Luke 13.31-35.
- Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
- PRAISE: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Send your fire (power, love); I will praise him; Il est le même. WORSHIP: Toute honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14).
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)
- Mon Sauveur mourut à la croix (S 76)
3 April. Passion Sunday. (HC)
- Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- PRAISE: Halle, halle, halle, hallelujah; What a mighty God we serve; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan. WORSHIP: Attire-moi à toi (S 27).
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart (S 22)
- Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)
27 March. Laetare Sunday. The prodigal (HC) Luke 15.1-3,11b-32
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- PRAISE: Je chanterai de tout coeur; Il est le même; Jesus we hail you; Oui j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. WORSHIP: Il n’y a que toi.
- There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- Communion: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
20 March. Lent 3. Barren fig tree (HC) Luke 13.1-9
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- PRAISE: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always. WORSHIP: Jésus est toujours brillant.
- Steal away (S 42)
- Communion: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
13 March. Lent 2. Jesus and Herod (SW) Luke 13.31-35.
- J’ai l’assurance (S 19) vv. 2-4
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon. Worship: You are my strength (S 4).
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- Dieu, aie pitié de nous (S 49); Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
6 March. Lent 1. Jesus tested in the wilderness (HC)
Psalm 91.1-2,9-16; Romans 10.8b-13; Luke 4.1-13.
- La grâce du ciel (S 63)
- Praise: Jesus, we hail you; What a mighty God; Dieu va faire encore; Venez-voir-oh. Worship: Who is wonderful? Alleluia na Yesu.
- Children don’t get weary (S 40); Done made my vow (S 22)
- Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
27 February. Sunday before Lent. The Transfiguration (HC)
Exod. 34.29-35; Ps. 99; 2 Cor. 3.12 – 4.2; Luke 9.28-36[37-43a].
- Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- Praise: Children of God; Il est le même; Jésus ne change pas; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: Jehovah est son nom.
- Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- Communion: I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
- Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
20 February. Second Sunday before Lent. Jesus calms the storm (HC)
Gen. 2.4b-9,15-25; Ps. 65; Rev. 4; Luke 8.22-25.
- Praise God in his temple (S 3)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- I have known the Father’s care (S 21)
- Communion: Cherchez d’abord (S 31)
- Quand le vol de la tempête (S 73)
13 February. Blessed are you (SW)
Jer. 17.5-10; 1 Cor. 15.12-20; Luke 6.17-26.
- Viens, ne tarde plus, adore (S 72)
- Praise: There is something today; There’s no-one like Jesus; Dieu va faire encore; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Jehovah, tu es élevé.
- God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- Fill my cup, Lord (S 55)
- Amen
6 February. Jesus calls his disciples (HC)
Isaiah 6.1-8[9-13]; Ps. 138; 1 Cor. 15.1-11; Luke 5.1–11.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 52)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: This is my desire.
- We believe this is Jesus (S 60)
- Communion: Voici, la présence du Seigneur (70)
- Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
30 January. Jesus presented in the Temple (HC)
Mal. 3.1–5; Heb. 2.14–18; Luke 2.22–40. Reduced set.
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
- Communion: Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
23 January. Epiphany 3. Jesus teaches at Nazareth (HC)
Neh. 8.1–3,5–6,8–10; 1 Cor. 12.12–31a; Luke 4.14–21.
- The trumpets sound (50)
- Praise: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi; God you’re so good. Worship: Que tes vives eaux (S 24).
- Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (66)
16 January. Epiphany 2. The Wedding at Cana (HC)
Isa. 62.1-5; 1 Cor. 12.1-11; John 2.1-11.
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Tu es digne de gloire.
- I have decided to follow Jesus/ Oui, j’ai choisis de suivre Jésus (8)
- Communion: Bind us together (37)
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
9 January. Epiphany 1. Baptism of Christ (HC)
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good. Worship: Purifie mon coeur (S 33).
- Wade in the water (S 18)
- Twinkle, twinkle star so bright (S 69)
- As with gladness men of old (AM 94) All verses
2 January. Circumcision of our Lord (HC)
John 1.[1-9]10-18; Ephesians 1.3-14.
- Va, crier sur la montagne (S 75)
- Praise: Il m’a sauvé; Yesu azali awa; Dieu va faire encore; Praising the Lord always. Worship: Let your living water/Que tes fleuves d’eaux (S 24)
- Communion: You asked me to your table, Lord (S 62)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
26 December. First Sunday of Christmas. Jesus’s Bar Mitzvah (Luke 2.41-52)
- Rise up, shepherd, and follow (S 34)
- Praise: There’s no one like Jesus; Merci, merci, Jésus; I will praise him; Yesu ni wangu. Worship: This is my desire.
- Entre le boeuf et l’âne gris (75)
- Communion: Shepherds (On a cold winter’s night) (S 30)
- Go, tell it on the mountain (S 13)
25 December. Christmas Day. The birth of Jesus (Luke 2.1-14[15-20])
- O come, all ye faithful (AM 78)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
- Communion: Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
19 December. Fourth Sunday of Advent. Mary and Elizabeth (Luke 1.39-55)
No service. Holy Trinity Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols
12 December. Third Sunday of Advent. John Baptist preaches (Luke 3.7-18)
- He came down that we may have love; O Lord, come down and manifest your power
- Praise: Hakuna Mungu kama wewe; Je chanterai de tout coeur; Jesus, we hail you; Oui, j’ai la joie du Seigneur en moi. Worship: Il n’y a que toi.
- Oh, what a wonderful, wonderful day (S 27)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
5 December. Second Sunday of Advent. John Baptist (Luke 3.1-6).
- Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
- Praise: The most excellency is Jesus; Jésus ne change pas; Nita mwimbia Bwana; Il est le même…je vais chanter. Worship: Draw me close to you.
- Wade in the water (S 18)
- Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- When he cometh (S 45)
28 November. Advent Sunday.
- Je suis une nouvelle création (S 10)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: This is my desire.
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
21 November. Christ the King.
- Make way, make way for Christ the King (S 32)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Nous te louons; We conquer Satan; Everybody praise the Lord now. Worship: Gloire, gloire, gloire à l’agneau.
- King of everlasting right (S 69)
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire; You are the King of glory (S 32)
- J’ai l’assurance (S 19) vv. 2-4.
14 November. 2nd before Advent. Mark 13.1-8
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- Praise: Praising the Lord always; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus ne change pas; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: As the deer pants (S 29).
- Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)
7 November. 3rd before Advent. Calling the disciples (Mark 1.14-20).
- Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Praise: There is something today; There’s no one like Jesus; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu). Worship: Il n’y a que toi.
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Communion: Somebody’s knocking (S 16)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
31 October. All Saints (HC & Confirmation).
John 11.32-44.
- Oh when the saints go marching in (S 13)
- Praise: I was glad…in my Father’s house; Il est le même…Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Nita mwimbia bwana; Oh Jésus soit loué; Eh Yahwe kumama. Worship: This is my desire.
- Sur les saintes montagnes (bilingue; S 73)
- Communion: I am so glad (S 55); Oh how he loves you and me (S 16)
- For all the saints (AM 15)
24 October. Last Sunday after Trinity (HC).
Mark 10.46-52.
- Toute honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
- Praise: Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; Merci, merci, Jésus; I will praise him; Il a reçu le nom. Worship: Jehovah est son nom.
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
- Communion: My Lord, what a morning (S 67)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
17 October. Trinity 20 (HC).
Mark 10.35-45.
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- Praise: Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi; God you’re so good. Worship: Que tes vives eaux (S 24).
- Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- Communion: Tu m’invitas à table (S 70)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
10 October. Trinity 19 (SW). William Tyndale.
Job 1.1; 2.1-10; Mark 10.17-31.
- Je suis une nouvelle création (S 10)
- Praise: Quand je vois la bonté; Oui la joie du Seigneur en moi; Oh Jésus soit loué; God you’re so good.
- Bless the Lord, O my soul (S 74)
- Quand la Bible ici-bas (S 66)
3 October. Trinity 18 (HC). Harvest Thanksgiving.
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Oh, he never changes; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom; Il est le roi des rois; Amen.
- Quand le vol de la tempête (When upon life’s billows) (S 73)
- Jesus, I call the name (S 59)
- Come, ye thankful people, come (AM 282)
26 September. Trinity 17 (HC).
Esther 7.1-6,9,10; 9.20-22; Psalm 124; James 5.13-20; Mark 9.38-50.
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
- Praise: The most excellency is Jesus; Il est le même; Je veux chanter pour Jésus; Dieu va faire encore; We conquer Satan.
- Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Communion: Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)
- En Christ seul est mon espérance (S 73)
19 September. Trinity 16 (HC).
- Viens, ne tarde plus, adore (S 72)
- Praise: Je veux me réjouir; Praising the Lord always; Ensemble louons l’Éternel; Everybody praise the Lord now.
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Que le Seigneur te bénisse (S 11)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
12 September. Trinity 15 (SW). You are the Messiah.
Psalm 19, Proverbs 1.20-33, James 3.1-12, Mark 8.27-38.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- Praise: Come bless the Lord; Jésus ne change pas; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Yesu ni wangu; Eh Yahwe
- Worthy is the Lamb (S 73)
- I’m not ashamed to own my Lord (S 20)
5 September. Trinity 14 (HC). The Syro-Phoenician Woman.
Prov. 22.1-2,8,9,22,23; Ps. 125; James 2.1-10[11-13] 14-17; Mark 7.24-37
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Praise: Ceux qui se confient; The church is marching on; Once I was a sinner; Ose ose
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Attire-moi à toi (Draw me close to you)(S 27)
- For the beauty of the earth (S 74)
29 August. Trinity 13 (HC). Eating with Unwashed Hands. Worship leader, Jessica
Song 2.8-13; Psalm 45.1-2,6-9; James 1.17-27; Mark 7.1-8,14,15,21-23.
- Voici, la présence du Seigneur [Be still for the presence] (S 70)
- Praise: I have seen, We conquer Satan, He is the mighty God; I have seen
- When I was lost (S 68)
- I’m a gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
22 August. Trinity 12 (HC). You have the Words of Eternal Life. Worship leader, Jessica
1 Kings 8.[1,6,10-11]; 22-30,41-43; Ps. 84; Eph. 6.10-20; John 6.56-69.
- Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
- Praise: Ceux qui se confient, Oh he never changes, Ose ose-oh Baba oluwa
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- Communion: Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
15 August. Trinity 11 (HC). Who eats my flesh and rinks my blood has eternal life. Worship leader, Audrey
1 Kings 2.10-12; 3.3-14; Psalm 111; Ephesians 5.15-20; John 6.51-58.
- They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- Praise: Merci, merci, Jésus; Quand je vois la bonté; Send your fire; I will praise him
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Communion: The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- Jésus revient, alléluia (S 60)
8 August. Trinity 10 (SW). I Am the Living Bread. Worship leader, Audrey
2 Samuel 18.5-9,15,31-33; Psalm 130; Ephesians 4.25-5.2; John 6.35,41-51.
- Praise God in his temple (S 3)
- Praise: I have seen, We conquer Satan, He is the mighty God; I have seen
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- Let us break bread together (S 17)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
1 August. Trinity 9 (HC). Jesus the Bread of Life. Worship leader, Audrey
2 Samuel 11.26 – 12.13a; Psalm 51.1-13; Ephesians 4.1-16; John 6.24-35.
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
- Praise set
- I am the bread of life (S 39)
- Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
25 July. Trinity 8 (HC). Jesus Feeds the 5,000. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 11.1-15; Psalm 14; Ephesians 3.14-21; John 6.1-21.
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 52)
- Praise set
- I was glad when they said unto me
- Je chanterai de tou coeur
- Hakuna mungu kama wewe
- Yesu ni wangu
- Eh Yahwe
- Tu es l’amour de ma vie (S 28)
- Communion: Cherchez d’abord le royaume de Dieu (S 31)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
18 July. Trinity 7 (HC). Jesus Heals the sick. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 7.1-14a; Psalm 89.20-37; Ephesians 2.11-22; Mark 6.30-34,53-56.
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- P&W: Joy, O joy; Glory be to God in the highest; What a mighty God; Praising the Lord always; My God is good
- Hold to God’s unchanging hand (S 25)
- Communion: God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
11 July. Trinity 6 (SW). John Baptist Beheaded. Worship leader, Jessica
2 Samuel 6.1-5,12b-19; Psalm 24; Ephesians 1.3-14; Mark 6.14-29.
- Lord, who may stay in your tent? (S 19)
- Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
4 July. Trinity 5 (HC). A prophet without honour (Mark 6.1-13). Worship leader, Jessica
- For the beauty of the earth
- Jusq’au bout / I can hear my Saviour calling (S 33)
- Communion: Soit calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
27 June. Trinity 4 (HC). Jairus’ daughter and the woman with an issue of blood (Mark 5.21-43). Worship leader, Audrey
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire (S 32)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
20 June. Trinity 3 (HC). Jesus calms the storm (Mark 4.35-41). Worship leader, Jessica
- En Christ seul est mon espérance (S 73)
- When peace like a river (S 31)
- Communion: Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross) (S 73)
- Quand le vol de la tempête (When upon life’s billows) (S 73)
13 June. Trinity 2 (SW). Parables of seeds. Worship leader, DCM
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- Bringing in the sheaves (S 44)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
6 June. Trinity 1 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica (Mark 3.20-35)
- God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- I come to the garden alone (S 33)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
30 May. Trinity Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
- Worthy is the Lamb (Thank you for the cross)
- Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
- You asked me to your table, Lord (S 62)
- Comme un fleuve immense (S 65)
23 May. Pentecost (HC). Worship leader, Audrey
- Je suis une nouvelle creation (S 10)
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
- Holy Spirit, we welcome you (S 24)
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
16 May. Easter 7 (HC). Sunday after Ascension. Jesus prays for his disciples. Worship leader, Audrey
- Devant le trône du Très-haut (S 62)
- We seek your kingdom
- God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
9 May. Easter 6 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Tels que je suis (S 65)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (There’s not a friend) (S 37)
2 May. Easter 5 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Sur les saintes montagnes / On the holy mountains (S 73)
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
25 April. Easter 4 (SW). Worship leader, Jessica
- Je chanterai de tout coeur (S 64)
- The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57)
- Guide-moi, berger fidèle (S 65)
18 April. Easter 3 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Shout to the Lord, all the earth (S 1)
- My Lord, what a morning (S 67)
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
11 April. Easter 2 (SW). Worship leader, Jessica
- Jésus sort de la tombe (S 68)
- Tout honneur, louange et gloire (S 14)
- La grâce du ciel est descendue (S 64)
4 April. Easter Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- C’est aujourd’hui la victoire (S 64)
- They crucified my Saviour (S 16)
- Communion: Jesus forgives (S 4)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
28 March. Palm Sunday (SW). Worship leader, Jessica
- Honneur, gloire et louange (S 67)
- The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- Sur la place du village (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour) (72)
21 March. Passion Sunday (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Communion: Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart (S 22)
- Quel Sauveur merveilleux (S 67)
14 March. Laetare Sunday (SW). Worship leader, Jessica
- Dieu ta fidelité (S 63)
- There is a balm in Gilead (S 41)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
7 March. Lent 3 (HC). Worship leader, Jessica
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- Steal away (S 42)
- Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
- Now thank we all our God (739i)
28 February. Lent 2 (SW). Jesus foretells his death. Worship leader, Jessica
- J’ai l’assurance (S 19) vv. 2-4
- Oui j’ai choisi de suivre Jésus (S 8)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
21 February. Lent 1 (HC). Jesus tested in the wilderness (Worship leader, Jessica)
- We’re going up to the high places; Whose report will you believe? (S 46)
- Children don’t get weary (S 40); Done made my vow (S 22)
- Let us break bread together on our knees (S 17)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
14 February. Sunday before Lent (Word). The Transfiguration (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Chantons car Dieu est là / Sing out! The Lord is near (S 18)
- Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
- Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
7 February. Second before Lent (HC). The pre-existent Jesus (John 1.1-14; Col. 1.15-20; Prov. 8.1,22-31). Worship leader, Audrey
- Viens, c’est le moment d’adorer / Come, now is the time to worship (S 72)
- Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Communion: Cherchez d’abord (S 31)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
31 January. Candlemas (Word). (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Soit calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- Praise God in his temple (S 3)
- J’ai l’assurance / Blessed assurance (S 19)
24 January. Epiphany 3. Holy Communion. The wedding at Cana. (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Chanson du Seigneur (14)
- Arise, shine (S 30)
- I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
17 January. Epiphany 2. Holy Communion. The first disciples (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Let us break bread together (S 17)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (S 37)
10 January. Epiphany 1. Baptism of Christ (Worship leader, Audrey)
- God, we praise you, God, we bless you (S 11)
- Wade in the water (S 18)
- Communion: Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
- La grâce du ciel (S 64)
3 January. Christmas 2 (Epiphany) (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Go, tell it on the mountain (S 13)
- Twinkle, twinkle star so bright (S 69)
- As with gladness men of old (AM 94) All verses
Christmas 1, 27 December (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- Les anges dans nos campagnes (S 39)
- The virgin Mary had a baby boy (S 13)
Christmas Day, Friday 25 December (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Il est né, le divin enfant (S 36)
- Joy to the world (A&M 72)
- O peuple fidèle (S 71)
Advent 4, 20 December (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- Mary had a baby (S 13)
- Jésus est toujours brillant (S 8)
Advent 3, 13 December (Worship leader, Jessica)
- He came down
- Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- Jésus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
Advent 2, 6 December (Worship leader, Jessica)
- Bientôt, très bientôt (S 15)
- When he cometh (S 45)
- Venez-voir-oh; Come and see-oh (S 44)
Advent Sunday, 29 November.
Ezek. 34.11-16,20-24; Ps. 95.1-7; Eph. 1.15-23; Matt. 25.31-46
- Venez, divin Messie (S 68)
- Tu étais là dès la création/ Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Jesus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
Christ the King, 22 November. The Parable of the Sheep and Goats.
Zeph. 1.7,12-18; Ps. 90.1-8[9-11]12*; 1 Thess. 5.1-11; Matt. 25.14-30
- Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
- You are the king of glory (S 32)
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
Second Sunday before Advent, 15 November. The Parable of the Talents.
Amos 5.18-24; Ps. 70; 1 Thess. 4.13-18; Matt. 25.1-13
- Je chanterai de tout coeur (S 64)
- Glory, glory, hallelujah (S 34)
- Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)
Third Sunday before Advent, 8 November. The wise and foolish bridesmaids.
Micah 3.5-12; Psalm 43*; 1 Thess. 2.9-13; Matt. 24.1-14
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful (S 17)
- The gospel train’s a comin’ (S 54)
- La grâce du ciel (S 64)
All Saints Sunday 1 November. Signs of the end.
Rev. 7.9-17; Ps. 34.1-10; 1 John 3.1-3; Matt. 5.1-12
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11)
- Que tes vives eaux (S 24)
Trinity 20 (Proper 25) 25 October. You have one teacher, the Messiah (Worship leader, Jessica)
Deuteronomy 34:1-12; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8; Matthew 22:34-46
- Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
- God, we praise you (S 11)
- Oh how he loves you and me (S 16)
- Dieu, ta fidélité (S 63)
Trinity 19 (Proper 24) 18 October. Jesus sends the seventy-two (Worship leader, Jessica)
Isa. 35.3-6; Lk 10.1-9
- Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
- Jesus forgives (S 4)
- Lumière du monde (S 62)
- Quel ami fidèle (S 63)
Trinity 18 (Proper 23) 11 October. Parable of the wedding banquet (Worship leader, Jessica)
Exodus 32:1-14; Philippians 4:1-9; Matthew 22:1-14
- Shout to the Lord (S 52)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- Jésus revient, alleluia! (S 60)
Trinity 17 (Proper 22) 4 October. William Tyndale—Harvest Thanksgiving (Worship leader, Audrey)
Dt 28.1-14; Lk 12.16-30
- Down the valley, up the mountain (S 29)
- Lord, I hear of showers of blessing (S 17)
- Attire-moi à toi (S 27)
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
Trinity 16 (Proper 21) 27 September. Parable of the two sons (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 17:1-7; Philippians 2:1-13; Matthew 21:23-32.
- Tout honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- When I was lost (S 68)
- Je t‘aime, Seigneur (S 12)
- J’ai l’assurance (S 19)
Trinity 15 (Proper 20) 20 September. The labourers in the vineyard (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 16:2-15; Philippians 1:21-30; Matthew 20:1-16.
- Marching to Zion (S 43)
- Quand je contemple la gloire (S 66)
- Tu m’invitas à table, Seigneur (S 70)
- La grâce du ciel (S 63)
Trinity 14 (Proper 19) 13 September. Forgiving one another (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 14:19-31; Romans 14:1-12; Matthew 18:21-35.
- Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
- Sur les saintes montagnes (S 23)
- What a beautiful name (S 71)
- Devant le trône du Très-Haut (S 62)
Trinity 13 (Proper 18) 6 September. Where two or three are gathered in my name (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 12:1-14; Romans 13:8-14; Matthew 18:15-20.
- Seigneur divin, tu es merveilleux (S 70)
- Sois calme, la présence du Seigneur (S 70)
- Lumière du monde (S 62)
- Mon seul appui, c’est l’ami céleste (S 37)
Trinity 12 (Proper 17) 30 August. If anyone wants to be my disciple (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 3:1-15; Romans 12:9-21; Matthew 16:21-28.
- Je suis une nouvelle creation S 10
- Quel Sauveur merveilleux S 67
- Communion: My soul wants something that’s new S 7
- A toi la gloire S 11
Trinity 11 (Proper 16) 23 August. You are the Messiah (DCM, Jessica)
Exodus 1:8-2:10; Romans 12:1-8; Matthew 16:13-20.
- Praise God in his temple S 3
- Dieu tout-puissant S 63
- Communion: Tu es le roi de gloire S 32
- I am not ashamed to own my Lord S 20
Trinity 10 (Proper 15) 16 August. The Canaanite woman (DCM, Jessica Mensah)
Genesis 45:1-15; Romans 11:1-2a, 29-32; Matthew 15: (10-20), 21-28.
- Jésus, que tu es charmant S 1
- Descends, doux char de feu S 64
- Communion: You asked me to your table, Lord S 62
- Jesus revient, alleluia! S 60
Trinity 9 (Proper 14) 9 August. “Lord, save me.” (DCM, Jessica Mensah)
Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28; Romans 10:5-15; Matthew 14:22-33.
- Dieu, ta fidélité S 63
- Wade in the water S 18
- Communion: Attire-moi à toi S 27
- When upon life’s billows S 23
Trinity 8 (Proper 13) 2 August. Feeding of the 5,000 (DCM, Jessica Mensah)
Genesis 32:22-31; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:13-21.
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre S 63
- I am the bread of life S 39
- Communion: Mon Jésus, je t’aime S 65
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle S 65
JULY 2020
Trinity 7. (Proper 12). 26 July (DCM)
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good S 43
- Tu es l’amour de ma vie. S 28
- I’m a-goin’ a eat at the welcome table S 6
- Tu es ma force (You are my all in all) S 63
Trinity 6. (Proper 11). 19 July (Jessica)
- Dieu tout-puissant S 63
- Heavenly Lord, you are wonderful S 17
- Communion: Jesus, I call the name S 59
- Louez Dieu car il est bon S 49
Trinity 5 (Proper 10). 12 July (Jessica)
- The Gospel Train is coming (S 54)
- Jusq’au bout / I can hear my Saviour calling (S 33)
- I come to the garden alone (S 33)
- Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
Trinity 4 (Proper 9). 5 July (Jessica)
- Je suis une nouvelle creation S 10
- Gonna lay down my burden S 17
- Friend of sinners S 36
- J’ai l’assurance (Blessed assurance) S 19
- A toi la gloire (S 11)
- Allez, criez sur la montagne
- Amaraso
- Amazing grace (S 79).
- Amen, Amen, blessings and honour; O Lord my God; How excellent
- Arise, shine (S 30)
- As the deer pants
- As with gladness men of old (AM )
- Blessed assurance/J’ai l’assurance (S 19)
- Come and join us on the morning train (S 46)
- Come, bless the Lord (S 48).
- Comment ne pas; How excellent (Worship)
- Descends, doux char de feu (S 64)
- Descends la vallée; Down the valley (S 29)
- Dieu tout-puissant; O Lord my God (S 63)
- Dieu, ta fidelité (S 63)
- For the beauty of the earth () MIDI & MP3
- For the music director on a harp of ten strings
- Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43)
- God, be gracious unto us (S 49)
- God we praise you, God we bless you (S 11).
- Guide-moi, Berger fidèle (S 65)
- He came down (slow: worship set)
- He came down (fast: offertory)
- He will pass by my door (slower: Key F)
- He will pass by my door (faster: Key G)
- Heavenly Lord; Seigneur divin (S 77)
- I am the vine
- I gotta home in Gloryland (S 15)
- I’m gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6) x4
- I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- I see the Lord/Je vois le Seigneur (S 10)
- It’s me, O Lord, standing in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Jesus, I call the name
- Jésus est toujours brillant; Jesus is always shining
- Jesus revient, alléluia (S 60)
- La grâce du ciel (Amazing grace) 4 vv.
- La marche des rois mages (S 79)
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- Let there be a city
- Lord Jesus, here I am (S 58)
- Lord, who may stay in your tent
- Lord, I want to be a Christian in my heart
- Louez Dieu car il est bon (S 49)
- Lumière du monde/Light of the world (S 62)
- Mary’s boy child
- Missa Nkosi: Holy, holy, holy
- Missa Nkosi: Christ has died
- Missa Nkosi: Lamb of God
- Mon Jésus, je t’aime
- Oh the mercy of God
- Oh when the saints
- PRAISE 1: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom
- PRAISE 2: Children of God; Il est le même; Everybody praise the Lord now
- PRAISE 3: Come bless the Lord; Quand je vois la bonté; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Jesus we hail you
- PRAISE 4: Hakuna mungu; Oh he never changes; Que ton feu, Seigneur, brûle en moi
- PRAISE 5: I have another world in view; Every living soul praise the Lord; The Most High Reigneth; Jesu ni wangu / Jesu est mon ami
- PRAISE XXX: I have seen, seen; We conquer Satan; He is the mighty God; Jesus, we hail you ??
- PRAISE 6: Je chanterai; Plus haut; We conquer Satan; Jesu ni wangu/Jesus est mon ami
- PRAISE 7: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good
- PRAISE 8: Merci, merci, Jesu; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Oh Jésus, oh Jésus soit loué; Dieu, tu es bon.
- PRAISE 9: Merci, merci, Jésus; Thank you, Jesus, the lover of my soul; We conquer Satan; Il a reçu le nom.
- PRAISE 10: Nita mwimbia bwana; Dieu va faire encore; Jésus est mon ami (Yesu ni wangu); Praising the Lord always.
- PRAISE 10: The Son of God is coming again
- Partageons le pain; Let us break bread
- Praise God in his temple
- Quand je contemple; I stand amazed (4 vv)
- Que le Seigneur te bénisse (S 11)
- Que puis-je rendre (S 2)
- Quel ami fidèle et tendre (x5)
- Savez-vous louer Jésus (S 57)
- Shout to the Lord (S 1)
- Shout to the Lord (S 50)
- Standing in the need of prayer (S 9)
- Sur les saintes montagnes; On the holy mountains (S 73)
- Thank you for the cross; Merci pour la croix (S 73)
- The Gospel train
- The Lord’s my shepherd (S 57) TWO VERSIONS
- There’s not a friend; Mon seul appui
- To God be the glory/A Dieu soit la gloire (S 15)
- Today I arise
- Tout, honneur, louange, et gloire (S 14)
- Tu es ma force; You are my strength (S 4)
- Tu étais là; You were the Word (S 71)
- Tu m’invites à ta table/You asked me to your table (bilingue S 70).
- Twinkle, twinkle star so bright
- Venez, divin Messie
- Voici la présence; Be still, for the presence of the Lord
- We believe this is Jesus
- When I was lost
- You asked me to your table/Tu m’invites à ta table (bilingue S 70).
- ENTRY: Down the valley / Descends la valléé (S 29).
- PRAISE: Ceux qui se confient; All the way to Calvary; Once I was a sinner; Jesus we hail you; Il a reçu le nom
- WORSHIP: Alleluia Amen
- GOSPEL MELODY: When I was lost (S 68)
- OFFERTORY: Mon Jésus, mon sauveur (S 20)
- PEACE: I’m a-gonna eat at the welcome table (S 6)
- COMMUNION: Let all mortal flesh keep silence (S 77).
- FINAL: Jesus revient, alleluia (S 60)
- ENTRY: Seigneur divin / Heavenly Lord (bilingue; S 77)
- PRAISE: Je veux me réjouir; The most excellency; Ensemble louons l’Eternel; God, you’re so good
- WORSHIP: Purifie mon coeur (S 33)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Quand je contemple la gloire [I stand amazed] (S 66)
- OFFERTORY: It’s me, O Lord, Standin’ in the need of prayer (S 9)
- PEACE: I’m gonna sing when the Spirit says sing (S 29)
- COMMUNION: Tu m’invite à ta table, Seigneur (S 70)
- FINAL: A toi la gloire (S 11)
- ENTRY: Lord, who may stay in your tent (S 19).
- PRAISE: Come, bless the Lord; Merci, merci, Jésus; Praise the Lord; Il a reçu le nom au-dessous de ton nom.
- WORSHIP: Bénis Dieu, ô mon âme (S 76)
- PEACE: Give thanks to the Lord for he is good (S 43). // For the beauty of the earth (S 74).
- OFFERTORY: Jésus, que tu es charmant (S 1)
- SONG: Merci pour la croix (Digne est l’Agneau) [bilingue] (S 73)
- FINAL: Allez, criez sur la montagne (S 75)
- ENTRY: Oh when the saints go marching in (S 13)
- PRAISE: Come bless the Lord; Quand je vois la bonté; Hakuna mungu kama wewe; Jesus we hail you.
- WORSHIP: Mon Jésus, je t’aime (S 65)
- GOSPEL MELODY: Guide-moi, berger fidèle
- OFFERTORY: Quel ami fidèle et tendre (S 63)
- PEACE: The gospel train is coming (S 54)
- COMMUNION: Partageons le pain ensemble à genoux (S 17)
- FINAL: Dieu tout-puissant (S 63)
- Communion: Tu étais là de la création/Ô ce nom est si merveilleux (S 71)
- Twinkle, twinkle, star so bright (S 69)