HOLY TRINITY BRUSSELS’S Festival of Christmas Carols is a rather grand affair, with a 45-voice choir and 35-piece orchestra. It has taken place every year for as long as anyone can remember. The only interruption was because of the COVID pandemic lockdown in 2020.
Because of the COVID pandemic, there was no performance in 2020 and only a limited performance in 2021, without wind instruments and with restricted numbers attending. So this year, 2022, will be our first return to full-scale performance in three years. There will be three performances:
- Sunday 18 December 2022, 16:00. Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral. Family-friendly. (Capacity: 250 seated; 100 standing)
- Sunday 18 December 2022, 19:00. Holy Trinity Pro-Cathedral. (Capacity: 250 seated; 100 standing)
- Wednesday 21 December 2022, 19:30. La Cathédrale de Saints Michel et Gudule. (Capacity: 700 seated; 300 standing)
The chorus is made of singers and friends of Holy Trinity Brussels. We are very grateful to the orchestra, who all play pro deo.
Please come and join us. Entry is free. First come, first served for seats.

Pre-Service Music: Christmas Carol Suite
O come, all ye faithful
Lord’s Prayer
On Christmas Night All Christians Sing (The Sussex Carol)
Lesson 1. God tells Adam
Zu Bethlehem geboren
Lesson 2. God promises to Abraham
Les anges dans nos campagnes
Lesson 3. Isaiah foretells the Saviour
Slaap nu, mijn Jesuke
Lesson 4. The peace that Christ will bring
O Little Town of Bethlehem
Lesson 5. The angel Gabriel salutes Mary
Silent night
Lesson 6. The birth of Jesus
Il est né le divin enfant
Lesson 7. The shepherds
The Yodelling carol
Lesson 8. The magi
Cantique de Noël (Solo, Paul Gosme)
Lesson 9. John’s Prologue
Ding-dong Merrily On High
Hark the Herald Angels Sing
Post-Service Music: The Ding-Dong March
Here is a compilation of Christmas Carols from earlier years.