Awaiting the Millennial Kingdom


Awaiting the Millennial Kingdom is about the coming end of this age and the dawn of the Sabbath millennium. The Church Fathers and the sages of Israel taught that the world-age would endure six millennial ‘days’ — that is, 6,000 years — from the day of the creation of Adam. After the 6,000 years would come the Sabbath millennium, when the Messiah would reign on earth from Jerusalem for a thousand years. Yet the Bible also calculates the ages of the world in forty-nine-year jubilee cycles. If we put together these two ancient means of calculating the timetable of the ages, we arrive, with surprising clarity, at a timetable that points directly to our own days.

There’s some careful study involved in proposing this position. We trace the teaching on the millennial Sabbath from its origins in Genesis, through the Psalms and the prophets, the intertesta­mental texts, the New Testament and Nazarene texts, Rabbinic and Patristic literature. We deal with historic premillen­nialism, Roman and medieval amillennialism, postmillennialism and dispensational premillennialism to gain a proper perspective on what we should be looking for in these last days. The conclusion is that everything is happening according to plan. He is not late. (He is never late.) The last jubilee year of the sixth millennium begins on 10 Tishri 2024.



105,000 words
275 pp.
6 x 9 inches

ISBN: 978-1-916619-16-6


1. Time for the Future
2. Histories of Things to Come
3. Themes of the Future
4. The Millennial Week in the Old Testament
5. The Millennial Week between the Testaments
6. The Millennial Week in the New Testament
7. The Millennial Week in the Nazarene Church
8. The Millennial Week in Rabbinic Literature
9. The Millennial Week in the Ante-Nicene Fathers
10. The Rise of Amillennialism
11. The Decline of Amillennialism
12. Dispensational Pretribulationism
13. The Rapture
14. When is the Rapture?
15. A Pretribulation Rapture in Church History?
16. Apostasy and Antichrist
17. Judgement of Fire
18. Sabbatic and Jubilee Cycles
19. 6,000 years, 123 Jubilees
20. Final Words

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