Arise, Shine is a pop anthem based on Isaiah 60. It’s a big song, almost ten minutes long. Think, High School Musical meets the last movement of Beethoven’s Ninth.
The structure is refrain; v.1; refrain; v.2; altered refrain; bridge; verse 3; refrain repeated; coda. Since it is so big, you’ll maybe find it easier just to practice here and to record with me step by step in the Choir Room. Sing it right through. The range is not hard. Sopranos: top G. Altos: low A to middle A. Tenors: low E to high F. Basses: low A to high D.
Remember, always follow the score. If you notice any conflict between the backing track and the score, let me know. But generally, the written part is correct.
Click the coloured buttons below to see your Voice Part. Then listen to the Backing Track to hear your part. Then record yourself over the Backing Track. This time there is no tune-in note. Just a drum fill. So just remember your first note from your practice run-thru. (You are going to do a practice run-thru, right?) There’s no click track since the drums give you all the help you need.